Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation
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Filming and Video Equipment For Recording Online Courses
Filming and Video Equipment For Recording Online Courses For many, the thought of getting on camera is about as exciting as going to the dentist. I remember when I first transitioned from teaching and presenting in person, to delivering on camera and it was a completely unexpected challenge. I had been teaching in person for…
How To Organise and Structure Your Online Course Content
How To Organise and Structure Your Online Course Content If you’ve been following along for the last 5 steps of course creation, I just want to say ‘great job’ because most people never finish anything they start. It’s even reported that 63% of people who start a book never finish it… crazy right? I…
How To Price Your Online Course
How To Price Your Online Course Pricing your online course can be a bit of a challenge – but there is more to it that witcraft and wizardry. After many years in this field, I have some top strategies for you that you can apply to work out the perfect pricing model for your online…
How To Pick The Perfect Topic For Your Online Course
How To Pick The Perfect Topic For Your Online Course First – why would you, me or anyone else want to create their own online course? Well there are lots of reasons but here are my top 3: MONEY A business needs to earn money, it’s as simple as that. An online course is something…
How To Create An Online Course – STEP 3: TECH SET-UP
ONLINE COURSE TECH SET-UP This video is the 4th of 4 videos which covers the absolute basic ‘get started quick tips’ for creating an online course. If you missed the first 2 videos, you can find them in the links below: Video 1 was on How To Get Motivated To Create Your Online Course: “6…
How To Create An Online Course – STEP 2: Course Content & Delivery
How To Create An Online Course – STEP 2: Course Content & Delivery This is Video 3 of 4 in my free mini-series “Overview of Online Course Creation”. If you missed the first video, you can watch it here: VIDEO 1: 6 Tips for Online Course Creation Motivation. You can also watch VIDEO 2 here:…
6 Tips for Online Course Creation Motivation
6 Tips for Online Course Creation Motivation Thank you to those who answered the 2 questions on my quick survey last week. I aim to answer as many of your questions as possible over the next week – and have started today with this video (below). Most of the questions fit into the 4 main…
Everyone Has Something To Teach
Everyone has something to teach. The clues of what you can be teaching the world are in your life experiences. Today a shared a post on Facebook which originally was supposed to just be a brief snapshot of how I help people create their own online courses and how I got there, but it turned…
How To Create an Online Course – The 10 Major Steps
Here are the 10 major steps to creating your own online course
Overcoming The Fear Of Filming Your Online Course Videos
Creating Courses on Camera Presenting on camera is extremely different to presenting face to face. And along with that, comes the terrifying prospect that you are immortalizing yourself in the capturing of a video, that could be viewed by millions of people for the rest of time. Gulp. It’s not surprising that people…