Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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5 Ways To Make Your Students Hungry For Your Online Course

Have you ever bought a music album having not heard the music before?  Probably not.  Before you paid money for the last song you downloaded or CD you purchased, you are likely to have first heard it on the radio, at a friends house, in a club or at a concert.   If we want…


4 Ways To Maximise Traffic, Fans & Sales – From ONE Online Course Video

Video is currently one of the highest converting sales and marketing techniques that you can possibly be using for your business right now; and as online instructors, we have these in abundance. The thing is, most online instructors I meet are humble creatures.  They love to teach, but they don’t necessarily like to promote themselves…

Engage The Left Brain Learner

11 Ways To Engage The Left Brain Learner In Your Courses

11 Ways To Engage The Left Brain Learner In Your Courses   As course creators and trainers, we need to ensure that our learning content and delivery is cognitively engaging; and in particular to both sides of our learners brains.   In order to absorb our training, our left brain learners will subconsciously break down…

How To Engage The Kinaesthetic Learner

21 Ways To Engage The Kinaesthetic Learner in Your Course

21 Ways To Engage The Kinaesthetic Learner in Your Course 21 Ways To Engage The Kinaesthetic Learner in Your Online Courses from Sarah Cordiner When it comes to designing our online or offline training courses, it is essential that we incorporate teaching and learning techniques that meet the four main types of learning modes: visual  audio …

Ho To Engage Audio Learners

14 Ways To Engage The Auditory Learner in Your Courses

14 Ways To Engage The Auditory Learner in Your Courses   One of the major things we need to consider when it comes to designing our online or offline training course, is whether we have designed our program for the four main types of learners: visual learners audio learners kinaesthetic learners reading and writing learners  …

How To Engage The Global & Analytical Learner in Your Courses

How To Engage Global and Analytical Learners in Your Courses

How To Engage Global and Analytical Learners in Your Courses   One of the major things we need to consider when it comes to designing our online or offline training course, is whether we have designed our program for all of the different types of learners: visual learners audio learners kinaesthetic learners reading and writing learners  …


12 Ways To Engage The Visual Learner in Your Courses

12 Ways To Engage The Visual Learner in Your Courses   One of the major things we need to consider when it comes to designing our online or offline training course, is whether we have designed our program for the four main types of learners: visual learners audio learners kinaesthetic learners reading and writing learners  …


10 Things You Must Know About Your Learners Before Creating Your Course

10 Things You Must Know About Your Learners Before Creating Your Course 10 Things You Must Know About Your Learners Before Creating Online Courses from Sarah Cordiner When it comes to planning and designing effective adult learning programs, it is important that we very clearly understand who our target group of adult learners are so…


Why Giving Your Knowledge Away For Free Will Make You Rich

How many times have you opened your email only to find countless spam emails that you have to delete and block? How many times have you opened your mailbox to find advertisements from pizza places and credit card companies, that you then have to throw away? When you walk on the street and someone shoves…


68 Books That All Online Course Creators Should Read

As online course creators, it is just as essential for us to stay on top of our game with continuous professional development, as it is for our learners to stay on top of theirs by learning from us.   My team have come up with a list of 68 Must Read Books For Online Course Creators to…