Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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18 Essential Things All Online Course Creators Must Learn Before Creating Courses

18 Essential Things All Online Course Creators Must Learn Before Creating Courses 18 Essentials That All Online Course Creators Must Learn Before Creating Courses from Sarah Cordiner Online course creators dedicate their lives to helping others grow and progress in their chosen areas of expertise.  But, to create truly engaging, transformational and profitable online courses,…


5 Deadly Mistakes To Avoid When Creating an Online Course

5 Deadly Mistakes To Avoid When Creating an Online Course 5 Deadly Mistakes To Avoid When Creating Online Courses from Sarah Cordiner If you are a course creator, online instructor or entrepreneur who aims to generate revenue through the new trend of ‘edupreneurship’ (educating your market profitably), then don’t create anymore of your course until…


How To Teach a ‘Skill’ in Your Online Courses

Are you teaching a new ‘skill’ to your learners in an online course? Teaching online requires very different approaches to teaching face to face for obvious reasons.  But from my experience working with online instructors, what is not so obvious, is HOW to do it differently. There are many ways to skin a cat, and…


The Fundamental Principles Behind Effective Adult Learning Programs – New Book!

Effective adult education, in any context, derives from a thoroughly planned curriculum.” Teachers, trainers, educators, thought leaders, learning and development managers, training organizations, educational institutions, coaches, and corporates that run internal training are all ideally positioned to influence the learning cycle. Get it wrong, and you risk ruining potentially magnificent and successful futures. Get it…

8 doubt busters for online course creators

8 Doubt-Busters For Online Course Creators

8 Doubt-Busters For Online Course Creators It never ceases to amaze me how many entrepreneurs I speak to who are dreaming of making a positive difference to the world, but never seem to get off of the starting line in making it happen.  When I ask them why they havn’t done anything substantial to get…


The 8 Fundamental Principles Of Adult Learning That Every Course Creator Should Know

The 8 Fundamental Principles Of Adult Learning That Every Course Creator & Training Professional Should Know   As professionals in the training and education space, it is essential that we understand the unique learning requirements of our adult learners to ensure that our training interventions are effective.   The process of engaging adult learners in a learning…

are cheap online courses bad quality-

‘Cheap’ Online Courses: Are They ‘Bad Quality’?

Cheap Online Courses – Are They Bad Quality?   There are lots of online learning platforms and online course marketplaces out there and they all have their pros and cons.     One of the most well-known platforms for selling online courses is the marketplace ‘Udemy‘.  (I talk more about whether you should sell your…


Online Learning Glossary

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into…


What Is Edupreneurship & How Can It Make You Money?

What is Edupreneurship? Becoming an Edupreneur is essentially taking what you have in your head – your knowledge, your skills, your expertise, your experiences – and turning it into a profitable learning product or program, such as face to face training workshops, tutorial videos, webinars, how-to guides, workbooks and more. Doing so increases your exposure,…


Been Dreaming Of Creating Your Own Profitable Training Course?

One of the most powerful actions you can take towards growing your business, making more sales, generating leads and positioning yourself as a leader in your field, is to develop an authority product. The best of all authority products for conversions is a training product or program, such as a course, workshop, webinar, workbook or…