Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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4 Ways To Overcome The Overwhelm of Online Course Creation

  Whether it’s the first course you’ve created online, or your 1000 th , there’s nothing quite like creating something that has the potential for millions of people to access and benefit from. Despite the excitement of this prospect, it can also incite fear and overwhelm into a course creator and freeze them in their…


How To Enhance and Inform Your Training Plans Using Accredited Frameworks

“You don’t need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to training design.  Most of the hard work has already been done for you” @CordinerSarah Use what’s already freely available to help you create quality learning experiences We’ve all heard of the old saying ‘don’t reinvent the wheel’, yet many educators and course designers still…


Sarah’s New Book: “The Theory and Principles of Creating Effective Training Courses” [Get Your Exclusive Signed Copy]


The 10 Steps To Creating A Successful Online Course, Coaching Program or Membership

The 10 Stages of Creating A Successful Online Course, Coaching Program or Membership **Originally published in November 2016, Last updated February 2024   So you’re thinking about creating an online course, coaching program or membership subscription? Good on you for the generosity of shring your knowledge with the world! In this artilce, qualified Teacher Trainer…


Edupreneurship: The ONLY Growth Strategy You’ll Need in 2017

Once upon a time, it was he who shouted loudest that made the most sales; but gone are the days of the toe-curling ‘buy my stuff’ marketing techniques.  The only action this method attracts today is the ‘block’ button – every marketers nightmare. In recent years, we have witnessed a tidal shift into a new…


8 Ways To Engage the Right Brain Learner in Your Online Courses

8 Ways To Engage the Right Brain Learner in Your Online Courses The left side of our brain is the logical, analytical and  strategic side of us; whereas the right side of our brain is the visual, creative and conceptual side of us.  Most people fall more into one side than another the majority of…


How To Engage Heart-Centered Learners in Your Online Courses

When we are creating courses of any kind, it is critical that we consider the many different learning preferences and learner characteristics that our course will need to engage. In other articles I have talked about how to engage global vs analytical learners; left brain vs right brain learners, kinaesthetic, visual and audio preferences –…


5 Ways To Make Your Students Hungry For Your Online Course

Have you ever bought a music album having not heard the music before?  Probably not.  Before you paid money for the last song you downloaded or CD you purchased, you are likely to have first heard it on the radio, at a friends house, in a club or at a concert.   If we want…


4 Ways To Maximise Traffic, Fans & Sales – From ONE Online Course Video

Video is currently one of the highest converting sales and marketing techniques that you can possibly be using for your business right now; and as online instructors, we have these in abundance. The thing is, most online instructors I meet are humble creatures.  They love to teach, but they don’t necessarily like to promote themselves…


The Easiest Method I Used To Get 32% More Online Course Sales

Promoting and selling your online courses can happen in the most unexpected ways; and as online instructors, we should be paying very close attention to where our online course sales are coming from so that we can focus more time, effort and attention on the marketing methods that are working and filter out those that…