The Course Creators


Youtube Ads For Course Creators, with Video Strategist Shoden San

The Course Creators


Youtube Ads For Course Creators, with Video Strategist Shoden San

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Youtube Ads For Course Creators, with Video Strategist Shoden San


Shoden helps high ticket course creators scale their programmes via paid ads – specifically YouTube ads.

He does that in a number of different ways in terms of getting their profile and expert expertise out to the world, building an online presence, but also marketing their digital products. 

In this episode of the Course Creators Podcast we’re going to hear a bit more about that, and we’re also going to be talking about some of the tips that Shoden has on how to build your community.

Get ready for many tips on marketing, community building and Youtube ads.


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Whether you love to learn how everything works yourself to master course creation and expert-based business skills for life;

want to join a group of like-minded people to enjoy the course creation journey with;

or you just want the entire job done for you - I can help you design, develop and publish high-quality online courses in any industry on your own custom created online school, complete with all of your marketing integrations set-up and running.

There are 3 main ways to become a stand out expert in your field with your own courses, books, services, consulting, speaking and industry presence: 

Learn How In My Online Courses
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I Will Do All Of The Work For You

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