Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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How To MASSIVELY Increase Your Visibility and Exposure

Tip of the day – How to massively increase your visibility and exposure! One of the biggest questions that small business owners and entrepreneurs have is ‘how can I get more customers?’ Followed by, ‘how can I get in front of more people and get discovered by the millions!’ Well, for those who have taken…


How To Get Your Videos Discovered By More People

Tip of the day – How to get your videos discovered by your target audience! Video is definitely up there in the top ways to get discovered in your industry online – BUT, many of us are missing out on so much organic traffic because we are missing the most simple steps of the upload…


Increase Your Social Media Engagement With This Visual Content Trick

Tip of the Day – Increase Your Social Media Engagement With This Visual Content Trick Tip of the Day – Increase Your Social Media Engagement With This Visual Content Trick There are many different types of content that you can create and share on social media to get your audience to connect and engage with…


Wow Your Customers with Instantaneous Message Replies

Business Tip: Wow Your Customers with Instantaneous Message Replies Business Tip: Wow Your Customers with Instantaneous Message Replies We live in a world where customers expect immediate satisfaction and instantaneous responses to their enquiries, 24/7. But, in reality, that is almost impossible for most business owners who have clients to service, admin to do, families…


Make your audience fall in love with you

Tip of the Day – Make Your Audience Fall in LOVE With You   Do you know what makes people follow EVERYTHING you do?Sharing really helpful and useful tips, information and how-to’s. If you are helping people, you cannot help but acquire likeability, fans and followers. So today’s tip, is to come up with some…


Use books to get fresh content ideas

Tip of the Day! Use books to get fresh content ideas! Need more ideas for helpful and engaging content to share with your own audience?One great way to help others grow, is to share your own growth with them! As you learn new things, share those lessons with your audience too. Grab a book that…


How to find viral video ideas

Tip of the Day! How To Find Viral Video Ideas It can sometimes be hard to find video ideas that have the potential to go ‘viral’ in your industry.One (of many) ways to get inspiration is to look at what is currently working for other people in your niche.Go to YouTube and search for videos…


Get Scheduling a YEAR in Advance

Tip of The Day! Get Scheduling a YEAR in Advance! Schedule your events, challenges and workshops for the YEAR ahead! When you have a clear plan of your major events, you can plan your marketing and promotions ahead of time. Longer lead times give you more opportunity for sign ups, and when people see that…


What You STOP Doing Can Change Everything

What You STOP Doing Can Change Everything Ever looked at your to-do list and wondered how your tasks just seem to keep breeding?! I have found that REMOVING things from your life can give you as much (if not more) forward momentum, than adding things to our life can. Before you start your next ‘to-do’…


Don’t quit on your business

Don’t Quit on Your Business! We ALL have times where we get frustrated, impatient and disheartened in business.When things are not going fast enough, the results are not coming in as we’d hoped and it feels like we are going uphill on a one-legged donkey who’s had a few beers. But PLEASE DO NOT QUIT…