Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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Why Use a Green Screen for Filming Videos? What Does a Green Screen Do?

Why Use a Green Screen for Filming Videos? What Does a Green Screen Do?   In this livestream video, I will explain what you might use a green screen for when filming videos: Click the video below to watch…. VIDEO TRANSCRIPT:


How To Dramatically Increase Your Income – Right Now

Since the dawn of the industrial revolution, we have as a collective society become accustomed to exchanging our time for money. The old hourly rate. I give you an hour of my time and you pay a fixed fee for it. Doesn’t sound so bad, does it? But charging by the hour is one of…


28 Amazing Websites With Free Stock Images

28 Amazing Websites With Free Stock Images If you want to make your online course lessons, workbooks, worksheets, thumbnails and landing pages look great, you are going to need some quality images. You must ensure that the images you use are royalty free or more specifically, licensed as “creative commons public domain“.  This means that…


How Much Time Should You Give To Your Customers?

How Much Time Should You Give To Your Customers? I have been blessed with two kids.  One morning, when my daughter was 4 years and my son was just 4 months, I was up in bed feeding the baby in full zombie-mom mode.. Suddenly, even at the most epic levels of delirious sleep deprivation, I…


How To Uncover Your Expert Topic For Your Online Course – What To Teach?

How To Uncover Your Expert Topic For Your Online Course – What To Teach? via GIPHY   Click the video below for some exercises you can do to help uncover your expert topic for your online courses, coaching programs and business:   Believe it or not, it took me a while to nail down my…


Filming and Video Equipment For Recording Online Courses

Filming and Video Equipment For Recording Online Courses For many, the thought of getting on camera is about as exciting as going to the dentist. I remember when I first transitioned from teaching and presenting in person, to delivering on camera and it was a completely unexpected challenge. I had been teaching in person for…


How To Deliver Your Online Course

How To Deliver Your Online Course Hi I love you. Huh?  We don’t really know each other that well do we……   When I first started my teaching career, I did my teaching practice in an all-male prison in the UK. One of the subjects I taught in the prison was communication skills. In one lesson,…


How To Organise and Structure Your Online Course Content

How To Organise and Structure Your Online Course Content   If you’ve been following along for the last 5 steps of course creation, I just want to say ‘great job’ because most people never finish anything they start. It’s even reported that 63% of people who start a book never finish it… crazy right? I…


How To Select & Gather Your Online Course Content

Selecting and Gathering Your Course Content Many people make the mistake of jumping straight to creating their content when they sit down to create a course. There are 10 major steps to creating a successful online course, and this is step 5.  Yes! We don’t get to the stage of creating our course content until…


How To Price Your Online Course

How To Price Your Online Course Pricing your online course can be a bit of a challenge – but there is more to it that witcraft and wizardry. After many years in this field, I have some top strategies for you that you can apply to work out the perfect pricing model for your online…