Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation
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What are the different ways you can create courses and how do you price the different types of courses?
What are the different ways you can create courses and how do you price the different types of courses? How can you take your intellectual property—all the knowledge you’ve gained through your experiences, and present it to the world in a commercial format? Well, in this video I will explain a number of different ways…
What You MUST Do Before Creating a Course or Membership Program
What You MUST Do Before Creating a Course or Membership Program Before you even begin mapping out a course, coaching program or membership, it is ESSENTIAL that you FIRST map out your commercialisation strategy. (If you want it to be successful of course)….. Commercialisation is step number one for creating any kind of educational content,…
What topics can you sell to corporates as training and consulting offers?
What topics can you sell to corporates as training and consulting offers? What can you package and present to a corporate client? The beautiful thing about this is that the possibilities are endless, and even topics and trainings that might seem irrelevant to a corporate environment today are, in fact, incredibly sought after. Corporates are…
How To Price Your Products, Courses & Services For Maximum Sales & Market Impact?
How To Price Your Products, Courses & Services For Maximum Sales & Market Impact? Did you know that you could be making WAY more income from your products, services, courses and coaching, but simply packaging it up a little differently and pitching it to a different level of the market? What do we mean by…
Concept To Course starts TOMORROW!
Ready to create an online course, coaching program or membership? My annual ‘Concept To Course’ program (30 day course creation group coaching program) starts TOMORROW, and you are invited to join us. You’ll learn: I’m a qualified Teacher Trainer who has made millions of dollars on course sales over the 15 years that I’ve been…
The 3 BIGGEST Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make Before Creating a Course, Coaching Program or Membership
The 3 BIGGEST Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make Before Creating a Course, Coaching Program or Membership Honestly though… after over 15 years as a Course Creation Coach and business educator, I’ve seen these 3 things completely decimate potentially amazing course creation businesses. Don’t fall down these 3 common traps…. #coursecreation #coursecreator #edupreneur #coursecreationtips #createonlinecourses #coachingtips #businesscoach #businesstips
Only 5 Days To Go! Are You Joining Us on Concept To Course?
Only 5 Days To Go! Are You Joining Us on Concept To Course? Ready to create an online course, coaching program or membership? My annual ‘Concept To Course’ program (30 day course creation group coaching program) starts in just 7 DAYS, and you are invited to join us. You’ll learn: I’m a qualified Teacher Trainer…