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6 Tips for Online Course Creation Motivation

6 Tips for Online Course Creation Motivation Thank you to those who answered the 2 questions on my quick survey last week. I aim to ...
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Which Online Course Platforms To Host Your Course?

WHICH ONLINE COURSE PLATFORMS SHOULD YOU USE TO HOST AND SELL YOUR COURSES? Author: Sarah Cordiner So, you've decided to join a multi-billion dollar market ...
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How To Price Your Online Course

HOW TO PRICE YOUR ONLINE COURSE It’s now common knowledge that there is a great deal of money to be made for those who are ...
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The Top 9 Ways To Grow Your Business in 2020

The Top 9 Ways To Grow Your Business in 2020 Author: Sarah Cordiner When it comes to marketing, many business owners, entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, coaches ...
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Filming and Video Tips For Entrepreneurs, EDUpreneurs and Online Course Creators

27 Filming And Video Creation Tips For Entrepreneurs, Edupreneurs and Online Course Creators In this info-article, Online Course Creation teacher, Sarah Cordiner, provides 27 tips ...
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Everyone Has Something To Teach

Everyone has something to teach. The clues of what you can be teaching the world are in your life experiences. Today a shared a post ...
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How To Massively Increase Your Online Course Sales – From ONE Piece of Content!

How to Increase Your Online Course Sales From ONE Piece of Content from Sarah Cordiner This article was originally published on 17th July 2016 and ...
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What is EDUpreneurship and why it’s killing traditional sales methods

What is Edupreneurship and How To Be an Edupreneur Speial notice: From 11th-15th July, my best-selling book "EDUPRENEUR: How To Monestise Your Expertise and Profitably ...
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How To Create an Online Course – The 10 Major Steps

How To Create an Online Course - The 10 Major Steps When starting any new project, it's always helpful to start with a bird's eye ...
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11 Ways To Grow Your Business and Sell more Online Courses in 2019

11 Ways To Grow Your Business and Sell more Online Courses in 2019 Can you believe that it’s 1st July already?!   Here we are at ...
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Building Educational Efficacy in Post-Compulsory Education

Building Educational Efficacy in Post-Compulsory Education Author: Sarah Cordiner I have written a lot about educational efficacy in my books, but in this article, we ...
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Is Over-Regulation of The VET Sector Killing Our Children’s Futures?

Is Over-Regulation of The VET Sector Killing Our Children’s Futures? Author: Sarah Cordiner The Vocational Education and Training [VET] sector has seen a much-needed and ...
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Overcoming The Fear Of Filming Your Online Course Videos

Creating Courses on Camera   Presenting on camera is extremely different to presenting face to face. And along with that, comes the terrifying prospect that ...
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14 Reasons Why You Should Become an Edu-preneur in 2018

We are in the midst of a learning revolution. Consumers are hungrier than ever to know why and how things are done, and are only ...
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Are Online Courses As Passively Profitable As Everyone Says They Are?

Anyone in the online course creation space will have heard the statistics that the online learning industry is worth billions of dollars, and that it’s ...
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14 Essential Roles That Every Organisation Needs on Their e-Learning Development Team

The design and delivery of organisational e-Learning requires the carefully crafted amalgamation of multiple professions if it is to be executed at a high standard. ...
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10 Business Growth Strategies For Edupreneurs and Course Creators in 2018

10 Business Growth Strategies For Edupreneurs and Course Creators in 2018   If you want to sell more online courses, books, eBooks, consultations, workshops or ...
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11 Ways To Overcome The Competition

It's completely normal to feel threatened by your competition. There have been times when I've sat back and watched one of my competitors execute some ...
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Interactive PDF’s in e-Learning – What You Should Know

Interactive PDF’s PDFs have been around since the early 1990’s, and in the early 2000’s software began offering features that enabled the development of PDF ...
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What’s The Point of Your Online Course?

Been struggling with your online course motivation? Feel like creating your online course is a bit of an uphill battle? Well, why are you doing ...
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Why You Need To Stop Waiting For Your Perfect Online Course Idea

"I Don’t Have the Right Online Course Idea Yet!"  Ever heard yourself say this? If so, this post is for you......   Every day I ...
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4 Ways To Overcome The Overwhelm of Online Course Creation

“Creating online courses means producing content for the millions; a prospect that can freeze course creators in their tracks” Share on X   Whether it’s ...
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17 Ways To Cultivate a Learning Culture in Your Organisation

“The learning culture of an organisation can be easily overthrown by even the most formidable learning and development departments”. Share on X The learning culture ...
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The Three Major Impacts That ‘Environment’ Can Have on Adult Learning Programs

We do not learn in isolation All adult learning, even self-directed learning, rarely occurs “in splendid isolation from the world in which the learner lives; ...
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How To Enhance and Inform Your Training Plans Using Accredited Frameworks

“You don’t need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to training design.  Most of the hard work has already been done for you” @CordinerSarah ...
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The Biggest Barriers To Organisational e-Learning

Why are so many businesses not yet benefiting from organisational e-learning?   Even though e-Learning has been around for over 20 years, you’d be amazed ...
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7 Ways To Increase Practical Participation in Online Learning

The Need for Involved Learning There is no learning quite like getting your hands stuck in and learning your profession by ‘just doing it’. Allowing ...
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How To Create, Schedule and Publish a Blog Post in WordPress

How To Create, Schedule and Publish a Blog Post in Wordpress Blogging is an incredible way to get yourself and your expertise out to the ...
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How To Get More YouTube Video Views

How To Get More YouTube Video Views This video will show you a little trick to grow your YouTube video views much faster - by ...
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Increase Your Student Retention by Contextualising Your Training

Most experienced teachers will be able to recall a feeling of losing the engagement of a learner at some point in their career. It’s not ...
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