Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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How To Use a QUIZ For Building Your Email List -

How To Use a QUIZ For Building Your Email List

How To Use a QUIZ For Building Your Email List Tip number four for building up your business and scaling your business is to create quizzes. Many of you probably seen those quizzes on social media…. like  “What kind of potato are you?” etc People love to find out things about themselves. We are inherently…

Procrastination Is More Painful Than Doing The Work -

Procrastinating About The Work, Is Harder Than Doing The Work

Procrastination Is More Painful Than Doing The Work I know that to many people, I look like I never have a hard day, and that everything comes easily to me. Well, I also have a hole in butt, sh*t that stinks and a lose my marbles as much as my mobile phone – just like…

How To Scale To $1 Million and Beyond As a Course Creator – The Market Position Method -

How To Scale To $1 Million and Beyond As a Course Creator – The Market Position Method

How To Scale To $1 Million and Beyond As a Course Creator – The Market Position Method The secret is repackaging your knowledge in different ways, in different types of programs, so that you can offer it at different price points, so that you can enter and compete in different market segments. If you are…

What Do You Do If People Hate You? -

What Do You Do If People Hate You?

What Do You Do If People Hate You? I’ve been helping experts create online courses and memberships for years, and one of the BIGGEST fears entrepreneurs have about putting themselves out into the big wide world – is the terrifying knowledge that sharing ANYTHING online, means at some point, inevitably getting trolled. The internet isn’t…

How Do You Grow an Email List? -

How Do You Grow an Email List?

How Do You Grow an Email List? To scale your business, you need to be collecting email addresses and to do this, you need to have some kind of lead magnet. By lead magnet, we mean something that you give away for free in exchange for an email address. All you have to do this…

Want to sell your courses, training and consulting to B2B and corporate clients? -

Want to sell your courses, training and consulting to B2B and corporate clients?

Want to sell your courses, training and consulting to B2B and corporate clients? If you have expertise of any kind – the business and corporate market have room for you as a service provider! You could be selling your training, workshops and consulting services and commanding lucrative fees in exchange for rewarding work that helps…

How I Got My First $1 Million Worth of Corporate Contracts -

How I Got My First $1 Million Worth of Corporate Contracts

When I first rocked up in Australia from Europe in early 2012, I had no contacts, no clients, no connections and no income. I knew that in order to start up a business (let alone in a foreign country), that I was going to need to meet people and infiltrate my sector as fast as…

How To Do Marketing PROPERLY In Your Business If You Want To Make ANY Sales

How To Do Marketing PROPERLY In Your Business If You Want To Make ANY Sales

How To Do Marketing PROPERLY In Your Business If You Want To Make ANY Sales Too many business owners are using the ‘scatter gun and hope for the best’ method of marketing; and then wonder why they are not making any sales. Marketing MUST have a strategy and a system behind it all. In this…

Should You Script Your Online Course or Marketing Videos? -

Should You Script Your Online Course or Marketing Videos?

Should you script your online course videos? Presenting to camera can be an extremely confronting exercise – even if you are experienced! So when you find yourself forgetting how to speak as soon as that big red record button starts flashing – should you script your videos to make it easier? In this video, experienced…

What To Do If People Are Opting Into Your Lead Magnet, But Not Buying Anything?

What To Do If People Are Opting Into Your Lead Magnet, But Not Buying Anything?

What To Do If People Are Opting Into Your Lead Magnet, But Not Buying Anything…?? So you’ve created a lead magnet, You’ve got people opting in, You’ve got an email list growing… But nobody is buying your stuff! Now what? How do you turn ‘leads’ into ‘buyers’? There are of course many ways of doing…