Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation
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How To Deal With Your Doubters & Naysayers
How To Deal With Your Doubters & Naysayers Business can be tough and lonely at the best of times; but trying to forge a pathway for ourselves when we have people around us who actively oppose, ridicule, judge, belittle or condescend us for your edupreneurial plans, can be soul crushing. My family and closest…
25 Steps To a Thriving Online Business – The Edupreneur Success Journey
Success is a journey! And if you follow the right path one step at a time, reaching the desired destination is INEVITABLE. If you are dreaming of having a highly profitable and successful online business, you have just 25 key steps to follow to get there. I call this, The Edupreneur’s Success Journey; and here…
What If You’re Too Young or Too Old To Create an Online Course?
“I’m Too Old or Too Young to Create an Online Course!” Ever heard yourself say this? If so, this article is for you… What amazes me about course creation is that the younger people think they are too young and the older people think they are too old to be out there…
What To Do If You Have Too Much Content For Your Online Course
What To Do If You Have Too Much Content For Your Online Course “What If I Have Too Much Content?! I have so much content, so much research, so many topics that I could choose from, that I don’t know where to begin or how to break it all up!” Ever heard yourself say…
What To Do If You’re Afraid That Nobody Will Buy Your Online Course
What To Do If You’re Afraid That Nobody Will Buy Your Online Course “What If Nobody Buys It?” Ever heard yourself say this when thinking about creating your online course? If so, this article is for you…. The fear of rejection can stop so many of us from ever even attempting to go…
What To Do When People Doubt You
What To Do When People Doubt You For many people, what other people think about them is really important – especially those that they love. Getting support and approval from the people we care about the most can be hugely important and for many people, the ultimate deciding factor about whether they go ahead…
What To Do If You Can’t Afford To Create an Online Course
What To Do If You Can’t Afford To Create an Online Course “I Can’t Afford To Do It”… Is this reason holding you back from your online course creation? If so, this article is for you…. I work with many aspiring edupreneurs every week. All of them have great ideas and…
Why Use a Green Screen for Filming Videos? What Does a Green Screen Do?
Why Use a Green Screen for Filming Videos? What Does a Green Screen Do? In this livestream video, I will explain what you might use a green screen for when filming videos: Click the video below to watch…. VIDEO TRANSCRIPT:
Recording Videos on Your iPhone & Teaching Online – with Cielo De La Paz
Recording Videos on Your iPhone & Teaching Online – with Cielo De La Paz I’m always telling people that you do not need crazy-expensive filming equipment to make a difference, make an impact and make money with your own online course. I have over 75,000 students on my online courses at the time of…
How To Dramatically Increase Your Income – Right Now
Since the dawn of the industrial revolution, we have as a collective society become accustomed to exchanging our time for money. The old hourly rate. I give you an hour of my time and you pay a fixed fee for it. Doesn’t sound so bad, does it? But charging by the hour is one of…