Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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How To Be The Best Educator – Or The Worst

The Efficacy Effect (Sarah Cordiner) is a concept that illustrates how and to what extent people can influence results through their belief in their ability to control various life events. Our everyday experiences – indeed, our entire life path – can be influenced by our perceived ability or inability to succeed in any given activity, despite what our actual ability…


Moaners, Groaners and Heel-Draggers: 3 ways to engage training and development participants who resist change

Training and developing people is supposed to facilitate change and provide a positive experience, a successful outcome and better lives for the participants. Yet change is a phenomenon that always seems to generate fear, resistance, and heel-dragging. It is vital that change-makers, leaders and educators of all kinds know how to apply the top 3…


What the hell is ‘efficacy’?? It’s hell if you don’t have it!

Efficacy: Give this to your learner’s, clients and employee and you’ll be remembered (in the right way) forever….. The Efficacy Effect is all about creating desired results; and importantly, it’s about maximising upon every opportunity to increase our learners, clients and employees’ beliefs and awareness of their capabilities to create desired results. We all had…