Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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5 Ways to Make Your Coaching & Course Business Profitable -

5 Ways to Make Your Coaching & Course Business Profitable

5 Ways to Design a Profitable Customer Journey: But HOW do you do all of this??? In my Legends Lab of course!! And even better – LIVE with me IN-PERSON!! Only 33 DAYS to go until you learn how to massively monetise your expertise and grow a highly profitable business as a coach, consultant, courses…

Should You Create Different Memberships for Different Topics, or Put All of Your Topics Into One Membership? -

Should You Create Different Memberships for Different Topics, or Put All of Your Topics Into One Membership?

Should You Create Different Memberships for Different Topics, or Put All of Your Topics Into One Membership? As a Course Creation coach, I help experts create educational memberships – which is by far the most popular format of learning at the moment. One of the most common questions I get about creating memberships is whether…

16 Ways To Grow Your Business -

16 Ways To Grow Your Business

🌟Update your website homepage  🌟Film a ‘Who Am I?’ Video:  🌟Develop an Authority IP Framework:  🌟Identify Your Products and Services: 🌟Create an Irresistible Offer: 🌟Map Out Your Customer Journey: 🌟Pre-Sell Your Offerings:  🌟Implement the Profit First System: 🌟Set Your One Big Goal:  🌟Create a 90-Day Action Plan: 🌟Manage Your Tasks:  🌟Hire Virtual Assistants: 🌟Content Marketing:…

Are You Coming To The Best Business Bootcamp of The Year? -

Are You Coming To The Best Business Bootcamp of The Year?

Calling all GOLD COAST business owners!  This is the Business Bootcamp that could change EVERYTHING for you! The Legends Lab LIVE Bootcamp, hosted by ‘Female Entrepreneur of The Year’, Sarah Cordiner, will walk you through every step to: Join us for two days of intensive learning, DOING, fun and networking! Plus – the VIP ticket…

JARGON ALERT! What Is The Difference Between a Domain A-Record, Subdomain, Web Pages, Slugs and Redirects? -

JARGON ALERT! What Is The Difference Between a Domain A-Record, Subdomain, Web Pages, Slugs and Redirects?

JARGON ALERT! What Is The Difference Between a Domain A-Record, Subdomain, Web Pages, Slugs and Redirects? The online, website techy stuff can be pretty confusing when you are just getting started; and as the CEO of the all-in-one business platform Tekmatix, I am often asked to explain what all of the website lingo means… So…

How To Get More Business with a Link Page In All of Your Social Media Bios -

How To Get More Business with a Link Page In All of Your Social Media Bios

How To Get More Business with a Link Page In All of Your Social Media Bios Have you got a Link Page yet?? If you havn’t, you reallllyyyyyy want to asap! A link page is a simple web page on your domain, where you list all of the important links in your business. These links…

3 Ways To get More Customers in Your Coaching, Speaking & Course Business… -

3 Ways To get More Customers in Your Coaching, Speaking & Course Business…

3 Ways To get More Customers in Your Coaching, Speaking & Course Business… But HOOWWWWW do you do all of this?? In my Legends Lab of course!! And even better…. LIVE wit me IN-PERSON!!! At The Legends Lab LIVE Bootcamp, happening in JUST 6 Weeks FROM NOW…. you will learn how to implement these strategies…

What You MUST know about pitching your training and consulting to corporate clients -

What You MUST know about pitching your training and consulting to corporate clients

What You MUST know about pitching your training and consulting to corporate clients Selling your training and consulting services to corporate clients is VERY different to marketing and sales in the public market. I do have an online workshop that walks you through exactly what steps you need to take to successfully pitch B2B, but…

Need help and guidance creating your course, coaching program or membership? -

Need help and guidance creating your course, coaching program or membership?

Need help and guidance creating your course, coaching program or membership? I’ve got you! There are 10 major steps to creating your own amazing course, coaching program or membership (and I have a full tutorial on this blog post that walks you through them all: ) I am a qualified Teacher Trainer and 7-figure…

FREE Personalised Business Success Action Plan Checklist -

FREE Personalised Business Success Action Plan Checklist

FREE Personalised Business Success Action Plan Checklist Not sure what to do next in your business? Feeling a bit overwhelmed with allllll of the tasks that you need to do, and not sure what the best order is to do them in? I got you covered! I have created a FREE self-assessment that asks you…