Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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How To Create a Course If Your Topic Is Regularly Changing & Updating

If you are teaching a topic that sees regular updates and changes – like tech or social media, then you need to plan your course design so that you can still stay up to date, without constantly being in creation mode and re-filming your course content over and over again. Watch this video for one…


How To Create a Streamlined and Meaningful Course

There is SO much that you can teach and SO many different ways to package it and deliver in a course. If you are planning on creating an online course, coaching program or membership – then make sure you watch this video first!  


How To Create Exercises For Your Online Course or Coaching Program

Planning to create exercises, quizzes or assignemts for your stduents on your onine course? Watch this before you start!  


How To Turn a Book Into an Online Course

Creating different mediums of your expertise will multiply your audience. You can turn a book into a course, a course into a book, a keynote presentation into a course, and much more.  


What platform to host your online course or membership?

If you are wondering what what platform, LMS or software to use for your online course, coaching program or membership – this video will walk you through the 4 different types of course platforms, and which type is best. ‌  


Should you create different types of content for every social media platform?

My view is that this is a very personal choice and depends on the time you have available for content creation and production. I have 2 very young kids, a husband who works away a lot, no family to help me, and 2 companies to run, so I don’t create a different ‘version’ of every…


Service Based Business Owners – Here Are The 10 Golden Rules For Starting a Client Project

Are you offering services in your business? or plan to? Here are the 10 critical things that EVERY service provider of any size, in any industry, should be doing…. from a multimillion dollar service provider… (watch the video for all 10 strategies) And let me know if you’d like any help setting up your project…


The 5 steps to create a lead magnet to grow your email list

Q: How do you grow an email list? A: With a lead magnet! Q: How do you create a lead magnet? A: Here are the 5 steps to creating a lead magnet to grow your email list…  


How Much Content Should Be In Your Membership Before You Launch It?

A ‘membership’ or ‘subscription’ based business is by far my favourite business model. You get to be completely creative, serve your community at an exceptional level and for a long period of time to help truly change their lives. And the added bonus to all of that? It makes for a very strong bottom line…


What is email marketing and how do you start? – PART 2

After getting a email marketing system and creating an opt in form, the next thing you need is a ‘welcome sequence’. I explain more in this video. I highly recommend using TekMatix for your email marketing, CRM, marketing and course creation – and I can also do all of your email tech and automation set…