Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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The Song of Your Soul is Your True Calling in Life -

The Song of Your Soul is Your True Calling in Life

🌟 What’s Your Soul’s Symphony? 🌟 What’s That ‘THING’ That Makes You Feel ‘In Your Zone’? Every one of us are completely unique and have a gift, a purpose and calling. Our purpose on this earth is often shown to us from an early age – in our primal inclinations to engage in certain activities,…

5 Reasons Why You Should Record Your Coaching Calls -

5 Reasons Why You Should Record Your Coaching Calls

If you are doing Zoom calls, workshops, coaching calls or Q&A calls – make sure you are recording them all! As an expert, entrepreneur, course creator, or educator, recording your coaching sessions offers numerous benefits…. Here are 5 of them: 1. Replays For Students/Clients 2. Legal Stuff 3. Content Repurposing for Marketing 4. Respecting Client…


Do You Get Triggered in Business?

Do You Get Triggered in Business? There I was, scrolling through Facebook when I came across a post about whether or not the term ‘boss mum‘ was appropriate or acceptable to mothers who run their own businesses with staff.  It was a simple question that you might expect would have ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers depending…


Are you an Efficacy Effector? What the butterfly effect can teach us about making and breaking efficacy

Many of us have heard of the butterfly effect, coined by Edward Lorenz in 1961 which describes how a small change in one place, can result in a much bigger change later on; so if a butterfly flapped its wings in one place, with the right weather conditions it could create a hurricane in another…


Villain, victim or hero? The life-script you’re playing out will determine your happy ever after, or not…

What character are you playing in your life script? Answer the 3 simple questions in this blog to find out…. Whether you believe me or not, you’re playing out your life like a character in a play, a movie or a story book, right now. You’ve been playing it out your whole life, and will…