Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation
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Never Give Up On Your Online Course Idea
Note: This article was originally published on 25th April 2016, and updated in June 2022. Author: Sarah Cordiner I remember when my education business was just an idea. When it all seemed so difficult, impossible, terrifying, overwhelming.. (ok, it can still be all of these things at times!!) But just like you, I had a…
Creativity Shouldn’t Be a Chore – A Course Creators Summary To The Book ‘Big Magic’
Creativity Shouldn’t Be a Chore – A Course Creators Summary To The Book ‘Big Magic’ I recently moved house, 2,300km away to the other end of the State. As I unpacked my boxes this past couple of weeks, I have also unpacked a surprisingly un-ignorable desire to paint. Something that I haven’t…
Sarah Cordiner’s Journey To An Online Course Empire
Sarah Cordiner’s Journey To An Online Course Empire “My first teaching placement as a ‘wise’ 18-year-old with blond hair, was in an all-male prison. I learned that education comes in many forms. I learned that education was far more than memorising the chemical equation for photosynthesis and passing tests.. I learned that education was…
Success – It’s Not In Your Moments of Glory
Only 18 months ago I felt like I didn’t have an ounce of breath left in me. The business I’d worked so hard to build took a brutal hit when a number of my clients were unexpectedly hit by a sudden Federal budget cut and it left them all unable to see their contracts through…