Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation
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Everyone Needs To Hear What My Grandmother Taught Me….
My Grandparents fought in World War 2, and what my Grandma taught me has saved my life so many times. Every time I feel like things are getting hard, that I can’t win or I feel like quitting – I remember this story of resilience.
The Top 9 Ways To Grow Your Business in 2021
The Top 9 Ways To Grow Your Business in 2021 2020 was INSANE for many of us with all kinds of global ‘crazy’ happening and on top of that, we all had our normal life events and challenges going on too. I personally had a big year, giving birth to my second child in…
How Has COVID-19 Impacted The Online Learning Industry?
Growth in online learning since the covid pandemic In late 2019, I wrote a report on the future of the adult learning industry. Since the COVID-19 pandemic made dramatic impacts to the education sector from February 2020 onwards – causing a huge surge in the popularity of online learning. And it’s only just…
Making Space For Positive Change
Burn It To The Ground When I first arrived in Australia from the UK in early 2012, I witnessed the WEIRDEST thing…. I was driving along a country back road ‘out bush’, when I noticed the Department of Parks and Wildlife trucks making a roadblock. A tunnel of thick black smoke filled…
11 Ways To Grow Your Business and Sell more Online Courses in 2019
11 Ways To Grow Your Business and Sell more Online Courses in 2019 Can you believe that it’s 1st July already?! Here we are at the half-way mark of 2019 and time for us all to check in on where we are at with our targets for the year. For me, success comes when I…
Edupreneurship: The ONLY Growth Strategy You’ll Need in 2017
Once upon a time, it was he who shouted loudest that made the most sales; but gone are the days of the toe-curling ‘buy my stuff’ marketing techniques. The only action this method attracts today is the ‘block’ button – every marketers nightmare. In recent years, we have witnessed a tidal shift into a new…