Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation
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What is the most powerful form of marketing?
What is the most powerful form of marketing? Edu-marketing is the most powerful form of marketing that there is. When you SHOW people what you know, what you can do – by actually HELPING them in your marketing content; you will never have to ‘sell’ again. When people EXPERIENCE your expertise, instead of your sales…
What are the different ways you can create courses and how do you price the different types of courses?
What are the different ways you can create courses and how do you price the different types of courses? How can you take your intellectual property—all the knowledge you’ve gained through your experiences, and present it to the world in a commercial format? Well, in this video I will explain a number of different ways…
What You MUST Do Before Creating a Course or Membership Program
What You MUST Do Before Creating a Course or Membership Program Before you even begin mapping out a course, coaching program or membership, it is ESSENTIAL that you FIRST map out your commercialisation strategy. (If you want it to be successful of course)….. Commercialisation is step number one for creating any kind of educational content,…
What topics can you sell to corporates as training and consulting offers?
What topics can you sell to corporates as training and consulting offers? What can you package and present to a corporate client? The beautiful thing about this is that the possibilities are endless, and even topics and trainings that might seem irrelevant to a corporate environment today are, in fact, incredibly sought after. Corporates are…
What Do You Do If People Hate You?
What Do You Do If People Hate You? I’ve been helping experts create online courses and memberships for years, and one of the BIGGEST fears entrepreneurs have about putting themselves out into the big wide world – is the terrifying knowledge that sharing ANYTHING online, means at some point, inevitably getting trolled. The internet isn’t…
Want to sell your courses, training and consulting to B2B and corporate clients?
Want to sell your courses, training and consulting to B2B and corporate clients? If you have expertise of any kind – the business and corporate market have room for you as a service provider! You could be selling your training, workshops and consulting services and commanding lucrative fees in exchange for rewarding work that helps…
How To Pitch Your Training, Courses and Consulting To Corporate & Business Clients – Workshop
Last week I delivered a workshop on ‘How To Pitch Your Training, Courses and Consulting To Corporate & Business Clients’. This workshop covers everything from what to offer a corporate company,pricing your training and consulting to corporates,how to write a proposal (with a free editable Canva template included),AND how to find and pitch to the…