Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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Do You Need a Professional Filming Studio To Create a Quality Online Course?

You’ll be very pleased to know, that these days alone can create really high quality content with free tools and very cheap equipment!   Watch this video for some tips, and you can also read this blog article for much more in-depth video and filming tips:


Do You Need Quizzes in Your Online Courses?

Many people’s memories of school and education, involve doing tests, exams and quizzes. I don’t know how many of you found them fun and delightful, but as an adult not many people rank courses based on how good the tests were…. Watch this video if you are thinking about creating a course with quizzes in…


Should Your Online Course Have a Learner Community?

The short answer to this is, yes. An online community that comes with your course, coaching program or membership can enhance social learning, create a sense of belonging, make support instantaneous and increase the value of your offer. However, do make sure that you have set expectations with your members in terms of ‘operational hours’…


3 Things Business Owners Need to STOP Doing ASAP!

Success doesn’t JUST come from the things we DO. It also comes from the things that we STOP doing.   Holding back from putting yourself out there because you’re scared. Being scared doesn’t help anybody. Being scared doesn’t make you money. somebody calling you a poo-poo head doesn’t actually change who you are and the…


The BIGGEST Source of FREE Traffic, Leads and Sales That EVERY Business Owner Is Missing

So many people are focussed on the instant gratification of a ‘like’ on social media, that they are completely missing out on THE most important and the BIGGEST source of free traffic that exists – BLOGGING!! Despite the rise of social media, Google and search engines are STILL the number 1 place that your customers…


11 Ways To Beat Self-Doubt & Imposter Syndrome When Creating Online Courses

11 Ways To Beat Self-Doubt & Imposter Syndrome When Creating Online Courses Before we go into the 11 tips, here are a couple of videos in overcoming common fears, self-doubts and the inner imposter when ‘putting yourself out there’ as an expert…..   Imposter syndrome kicks in when we spend more time focusing on the…


11 Ways To Make Your Online Course Go GLOBAL

11 Ways To Make Your Online Course Go GLOBAL After creating their online courses with me, many edupreneurs then ask “so how do I get students in my online course?” We’ve all heard of the ‘7 figure online course launches’ and the endless passive income that online courses are bringing to many entrepreneurs and experts….


How To Get a Never-Ending Stream of Customers From Amazon – For FREE!

Writing and publishing a book on Amazon not only gets you access to the millions of daily shoppers that use the platform… you can ALSO use this super simple, but highly effective HACK to ‘ethically steal’ customers from Amazon every single day to grow your own email list!!   Want to know what it is?…


How To Profit From An Academic Dissertation – Sell It Commercially as a Book on Amazon!

Did you know that you could be making a humble income from your academic work and dissertations, by breaking them up and publishing them as income-generating books and eBooks on Amazon?!   If you are ready to write and publish your own book, come and get the detailed ‘how-tos’ in my 30-day book writing challenge:…


Why You Should Increase Your Prices TODAY!

So many business owners are massively under-charging for their products and services.   Whether its because of a lack of confidence, a desperate desire to beat the competition or just because you ‘feel bad’ charging your worth – you need to watch this video!   Limiting your income doesn’t do you, or your industry any…