Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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What is EDUpreneurship and why it’s killing traditional sales methods

What is an Edupreneur? How to be an Edupreneur? What are the benefits and how is it different to entrepreneurship?


14 Reasons Why You Should Become an Edu-preneur in 2018

We are in the midst of a learning revolution. Consumers are hungrier than ever to know why and how things are done, and are only buying from those who tell them. This change is happening right now.  Those not willing to jump on board are already being left behind. In this article, edupreneur of 12…


10 Business Growth Strategies For Edupreneurs and Course Creators in 2018

10 Business Growth Strategies For Edupreneurs and Course Creators in 2018   If you want to sell more online courses, books, eBooks, consultations, workshops or other products and services in 2018, your sales success will be directly proportionate to the amount of work that you put in.  There’s no shortcut to success.   Effective marketing…


4 Ways To Overcome The Overwhelm of Online Course Creation

  Whether it’s the first course you’ve created online, or your 1000 th , there’s nothing quite like creating something that has the potential for millions of people to access and benefit from. Despite the excitement of this prospect, it can also incite fear and overwhelm into a course creator and freeze them in their…


The Three Major Impacts That ‘Environment’ Can Have on Adult Learning Programs

We do not learn in isolation All adult learning, even self-directed learning, rarely occurs “in splendid isolation from the world in which the learner lives; it is intimately related to that world and affected by it”. (Jarvis, 1987). Adult learning does not occur in a vacuum. What we need or want to learn, the opportunities…


Edupreneurship: The ONLY Growth Strategy You’ll Need in 2017

Once upon a time, it was he who shouted loudest that made the most sales; but gone are the days of the toe-curling ‘buy my stuff’ marketing techniques.  The only action this method attracts today is the ‘block’ button – every marketers nightmare. In recent years, we have witnessed a tidal shift into a new…


Official Winners of The Edupreneur Awards 2015 Announced!

Friday 31st July 2015 saw The MainTraining Edupreneur Awards 2015 take place in Perth, Western Australia. The Edupreneur Awards are all about celebrating, recognising and appraising the positive contributions Eduprneurs make to the knowledge, skills and competencies of their market.  Without Edupreneurs helping people grow and learn, our collective evolution would be slow and unremarkable. Our markets…

are cheap online courses bad quality-

‘Cheap’ Online Courses: Are They ‘Bad Quality’?

Cheap Online Courses – Are They Bad Quality?   There are lots of online learning platforms and online course marketplaces out there and they all have their pros and cons.     One of the most well-known platforms for selling online courses is the marketplace ‘Udemy‘.  (I talk more about whether you should sell your…


What Is Edupreneurship & How Can It Make You Money?

What is Edupreneurship? Becoming an Edupreneur is essentially taking what you have in your head – your knowledge, your skills, your expertise, your experiences – and turning it into a profitable learning product or program, such as face to face training workshops, tutorial videos, webinars, how-to guides, workbooks and more. Doing so increases your exposure,…


The biggest mistake educators make when managing classroom behaviour

What is good behaviour, and how do you get a certain group of people to behave in a certain way that allows for teachers to teach, and learners to learn in the most productive ways possible? These questions have been asked for many years, and there are many oppressive theories behind resolutions to ‘bad’ behaviour….