Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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What To Do If You Have Too Much Content For Your Online Course

What To Do If You Have Too Much Content For Your Online Course “What If I Have Too Much Content?! I have so much content, so much research, so many topics that I could choose from, that I don’t know where to begin or how to break it all up!”   Ever heard yourself say…

Training Provider Survival, an Interview With Raelene Bartlett

Training Provider Survival, an Interview With Raelene Bartlett

Training Provider Survival, an Interview With Raelene Bartlett Shownotes Traditional training organisations have faced a HUGE shift since co-vid hit in 2020. Many were providing face to face training and had classrooms filled with learners every day – particularly those who had corporate and Government contracts. THOUSANDS of RTOs were forced into shut down in…


Interactive PDF’s in e-Learning – What You Should Know

Interactive PDF’s PDFs have been around since the early 1990’s, and in the early 2000’s software began offering features that enabled the development of PDF interactivity. Although to some, the old familiar PDF may seem a bit boring and ‘old school’ on the outside, the possibilities of PDF design are now almost limitless in enabling…


The Biggest Barriers To Organisational e-Learning

Why are so many businesses not yet benefiting from organisational e-learning?   Even though e-Learning has been around for over 20 years, you’d be amazed at how little it is yet being used in organisations for employee training and development. E-Learning doesn’t always suit every learning and development situation, but in a world where employees…