Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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What You MUST know about pitching your training and consulting to corporate clients -

What You MUST know about pitching your training and consulting to corporate clients

What You MUST know about pitching your training and consulting to corporate clients Selling your training and consulting services to corporate clients is VERY different to marketing and sales in the public market. I do have an online workshop that walks you through exactly what steps you need to take to successfully pitch B2B, but…

Need help and guidance creating your course, coaching program or membership? -

Need help and guidance creating your course, coaching program or membership?

Need help and guidance creating your course, coaching program or membership? I’ve got you! There are 10 major steps to creating your own amazing course, coaching program or membership (and I have a full tutorial on this blog post that walks you through them all: ) I am a qualified Teacher Trainer and 7-figure…

7 Steps To Getting Back on Track in Your Business -

7 Steps To Getting Back on Track in Your Business

7 Steps To Getting Back on Track in Your Business How are you going with your business goals? Every few months, business owners tend to start losing steam and direction, wander off-track and find themselves reacting to daily problems, instead of proactively attacking their strategic targets and goals. It’s ok, it’s normal! But, just like…

6 ways to get a quick cash injection in your business… -

6 ways to get a quick cash injection in your business…

6 ways to get a quick cash injection in your business…. Business is tough, and there are certainly a lot of businesses struggling at the moment. When cash is tight, there’s one thing that you should be focussed on above EVERYTHING else… and that is: GETTING MORE MONEY FAST. Money is fuel in business –…

What is the most powerful form of marketing? -

What is the most powerful form of marketing?

What is the most powerful form of marketing? Edu-marketing is the most powerful form of marketing that there is. When you SHOW people what you know, what you can do – by actually HELPING them in your marketing content; you will never have to ‘sell’ again. When people EXPERIENCE your expertise, instead of your sales…

What are the different ways you can create courses and how do you price the different types of courses? -

What are the different ways you can create courses and how do you price the different types of courses?

What are the different ways you can create courses and how do you price the different types of courses? How can you take your intellectual property—all the knowledge you’ve gained through your experiences, and present it to the world in a commercial format? Well, in this video I will explain a number of different ways…

Where’s That Confidence of Yours Gone?

Where’s That Confidence of Yours Gone?

Where’s That Confidence of Yours Gone? Here are 4 Tips For Increasing Your Confidence as a Business Owner and Course Creator It’s normal to have peaks and troughs in your confidence as a business owner. You can’t be ‘high’ all of the time. But business demands us to appear confident constantly, doesn’t it? Here are…

What You MUST Do Before Creating a Course or Membership Program -

What You MUST Do Before Creating a Course or Membership Program

What You MUST Do Before Creating a Course or Membership Program Before you even begin mapping out a course, coaching program or membership, it is ESSENTIAL that you FIRST map out your commercialisation strategy. (If you want it to be successful of course)….. Commercialisation is step number one for creating any kind of educational content,…

What topics can you sell to corporates as training and consulting offers? -

What topics can you sell to corporates as training and consulting offers?

What topics can you sell to corporates as training and consulting offers? What can you package and present to a corporate client? The beautiful thing about this is that the possibilities are endless, and even topics and trainings that might seem irrelevant to a corporate environment today are, in fact, incredibly sought after. Corporates are…

Procrastination Is More Painful Than Doing The Work -

Procrastinating About The Work, Is Harder Than Doing The Work

Procrastination Is More Painful Than Doing The Work I know that to many people, I look like I never have a hard day, and that everything comes easily to me. Well, I also have a hole in butt, sh*t that stinks and a lose my marbles as much as my mobile phone – just like…