Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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The BIGGEST Source of FREE Traffic, Leads and Sales That EVERY Business Owner Is Missing

So many people are focussed on the instant gratification of a ‘like’ on social media, that they are completely missing out on THE most important and the BIGGEST source of free traffic that exists – BLOGGING!! Despite the rise of social media, Google and search engines are STILL the number 1 place that your customers…


12 Ways To SELL Your Online Course in 2020 – WITHOUT Paid Ads!

12 Ways To SELL Your Online Course in 2020 – WITHOUT Paid Ads!   “How do I sell my online course?!” This is THE number one question that online course creators ask me when they finish creating their course. In the video below, I share 12 WAYS TO SELL YOUR ONLINE COURSE – WITHOUT PAYING…


10 Business Growth Strategies For Edupreneurs and Course Creators in 2018

10 Business Growth Strategies For Edupreneurs and Course Creators in 2018   If you want to sell more online courses, books, eBooks, consultations, workshops or other products and services in 2018, your sales success will be directly proportionate to the amount of work that you put in.  There’s no shortcut to success.   Effective marketing…


How To Create, Schedule and Publish a Blog Post in WordPress

How To Create, Schedule and Publish a Blog Post in WordPress Blogging is an incredible way to get yourself and your expertise out to the world. Once that blog is published, anyone can find it, and that means that they can find YOU, your expertise and of course, your products and services. In this video,…