The Course Creators


Optimum Performance As A Leader And Educator – Being a Stoic, with Korey Samuelson

The Course Creators


Optimum Performance As A Leader And Educator – Being a Stoic, with Korey Samuelson

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Optimum Performance As A Leader And Educator – Being a Stoic, with Korey Samuelson


If we are going to be strong leaders, if we are going to be articulate and if we are going to be there for people…… we need to be there for ourselves first.

We cannot operate up to our potential and deliver our optimum service if we ourselves are not in an optimum place in terms of our all-round health.

In this episode of the Course Creators Podcast, I will be talking to Korey about peak performance.

Korey is a cognitive strength training coach, a fitness trainer, and a Stoic.

He recently created his first online training, and in this episode he will tell us how he did that and how you can do the same.

Topics we discussed:

  • Why exercise is the most powerful way to train your mind
  • Why are Stoics able to handle chaos and stress well?
  • What is wrong with trying to look perfect for your clients
  • What Korey learned from the online course creation process


Watch the video:


About Korey

Korey Samuelson is a cognitive strength training coach, a fitness trainer, and a Stoic. He’s been working out personally for over 35 years and helping others do so professionally since 2012. He lives in Calgary, Alberta with his girlfriend, Keely, and the five plants they’ve managed to keep alive for over 6 months now.


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