Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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The 5 steps to create a lead magnet to grow your email list

Q: How do you grow an email list? A: With a lead magnet! Q: How do you create a lead magnet? A: Here are the 5 steps to creating a lead magnet to grow your email list…  


What is email marketing and how do you start? – PART 2

After getting a email marketing system and creating an opt in form, the next thing you need is a ‘welcome sequence’. I explain more in this video. I highly recommend using TekMatix for your email marketing, CRM, marketing and course creation – and I can also do all of your email tech and automation set…


How to do email marketing? – PART 1

Email marketing has been one of the biggest contributors to my success in business over the years – but it doesn’t have to all be spammy and salesy. GOOD email marketing is remembering that you are talking to PEOPLE, and that people are there to be served and cared for – NOT to be your…


How To Get Leads Pouring Into Your Business on Auto-Pilot…

Use social media scheduling! You don’t have to slave away on social media all day every day. Simply batch create some posts, then pop them in a social media scheduler like TekMatix, and let it auto-post for you! Here’s how to do it…


11 Ways To Make Your Online Course Go GLOBAL

11 Ways To Make Your Online Course Go GLOBAL After creating their online courses with me, many edupreneurs then ask “so how do I get students in my online course?” We’ve all heard of the ‘7 figure online course launches’ and the endless passive income that online courses are bringing to many entrepreneurs and experts….


How To Automate Your Student Emails For Online Courses [PLUS Real Automation Example]

How To Automate Your Student Emails For Online Courses [PLUS Real Automation Example] Keeping in touch with your learners is a great way to keep them progressing and completing your courses. You really want to get your students to complete your entire course – when they do, they get the full results of your program,…

12 Ways To Market and Sell Your Online Course

12 Ways To Market and Sell Your Online Course, Coaching Program or Membership – without Paid Ads!


Why You MUST Have a Free Lead Magnet

Why You MUST Have a Free Lead Magnet Before COVID-19 hit, I used to head down to the local craft markets every Saturday morning. I’d always grab a fresh mango smoothie, a coffee, browse the local craft, buy a crystal or two and pat dogs without asking the owners. via GIPHY One particular morning, I…


9 Ways to Increase Completion Rates of Your Online Course

9 Ways To Increase The Completion Rates of Your Online Course from Sarah Cordiner According to novoed, online course completion rates are extremely low at just 13%.   This is a major problem for online course creators and online instructors.   If our students do not complete our courses, they cannot benefit from everything that…


What You MUST Know Before Creating Online Courses or Starting an Online Info Business

What You MUST Know Before Creating Online Courses or Starting an Online Info Business Building an online business for the first time is challenging! I see many new online entrepreneurs giving themselves a real hard time about it all – thinking that they have to know it ALL right away. There is a lot to…