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How To Turn a Book Into an Online Course

Creating different mediums of your expertise will multiply your audience. You can turn a book into a course, a course into a book, a keynote ...
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What platform to host your online course or membership?

If you are wondering what what platform, LMS or software to use for your online course, coaching program or membership - this video will walk ...
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FAQs about Creating Online Courses, Coaching Programs and Memberships

How To Create Courses – Your Questions About Creating Online Courses, Coaching Programs and Memberships

Your Questions About Creating Online Courses, Coaching Programs and Memberships Every now and then, I send an email out to email community asking if anyone ...
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Never Write An Email EVER Again! Free Chrome Extension That Replies To Your Emails For You

You don't even need to reply to your emails any more! Here's a free ai chrome extension that replies to your emails for you...   ...
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Should you create different types of content for every social media platform?

My view is that this is a very personal choice and depends on the time you have available for content creation and production. I have ...
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Service Based Business Owners – Here Are The 10 Golden Rules For Starting a Client Project

Are you offering services in your business? or plan to? Here are the 10 critical things that EVERY service provider of any size, in any ...
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The 5 steps to create a lead magnet to grow your email list

Q: How do you grow an email list? A: With a lead magnet! Q: How do you create a lead magnet? A: Here are the ...
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How Much Content Should Be In Your Membership Before You Launch It?

A ‘membership’ or ‘subscription’ based business is by far my favourite business model. You get to be completely creative, serve your community at an exceptional ...
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What is email marketing and how do you start? – PART 2

After getting a email marketing system and creating an opt in form, the next thing you need is a ‘welcome sequence’. I explain more in ...
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How to do email marketing? – PART 1

Email marketing has been one of the biggest contributors to my success in business over the years - but it doesn’t have to all be ...
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How To Easily Sell WAY More Courses, Products and Services (without doing any extra work or marketing)

Getting your courses, coaching programs, products and services out to more people doesn’t have to be all hustle and grind. There’s a MUCH easier way ...
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How To Put Your Social Media on Auto-Pilot (Connection Instructions for TekMatix)

Here's how to connect your social media accounts to the social media scheduler in TekMatix, so that you can run all of your social media ...
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How To Get Leads Pouring Into Your Business on Auto-Pilot…

Use social media scheduling! You don’t have to slave away on social media all day every day. Simply batch create some posts, then pop them ...
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This all-in-one CRM can be used in 15 different languages!

You can now use TekMatix in over 15 different languages! This will allow you to change the main navigation and menu wording into a language ...
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What To Do If You Are Worried About Your Competition Copying You

Double down on being amazing. Double down on being the most helpful person in your industry. Double down on delivering mind-blowing value. (But if they ...
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What tech do you need to run a successful business?

Most business owners are madly burning themselves out trying to do everything in their business. Stuff that technology could be doing FOR them. If you ...
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How To Plan, Film, Organise and Schedule Your Social Media Videos Like a Boss!

There’s no better feeling than feeling organised and in control of your business. One way that I do that is with proper planning and organisation ...
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How to be a guest speaker on podcasts

Getting your fine self on podcasts is a great way to get discovered by new audiences whilst helping people at the same time. Thousands of ...
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3 MORE Ways To Use ChatGPT To Grow Your Business – PART 4

If you’d like to join my free ChatGPT webinar, you can grab it here: #chatgpt #ai #aihacks #aitips #chatgpttips #coursecreation #coursecreator #edupreneur #businesstips #smallbusinessowner
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Don’t Avoid It, Just Because It’s Scary.

Of COURSE it is scary! It always will be! There wont be a day when you just magically wake up without fear. Being afraid doesn’t ...
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AI Just Fired Your LAWYER

I mean, I’m still going to want a real person representing me if I somehow ended up in the clink after a clanger. joy But ...
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Customer Threatening To Leave a Bad Review If You Don’t Bend To Unreasonable Demands?

I saw this post go up in one of the women in business Facebook groups I’m in, and I’ve seen a few people post about ...
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AI Tool that you’ll LOVE – for rewriting and paraphrasing text.

(Remember to always be an ethical business beast)  
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How I went from always being ‘busy’ to being in total ‘boss’ mode in my business.

There was a time when I felt like I was constantly working on my business, but NEVER getting ANYWHERE. I was putting in INSANE hours, ...
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How To Create a ‘Buy’ Button To Your Product on a Sales Pages

Ever thought that ‘tekkie’ stuff is just a bit too hard? Just like anything, a little learning with a good teacher is all you need! ...
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The Tool That Puts ALL Your Emails, SMSs, Facebook AND Instagram Messages Into ONE Inbox!

This Tool That Puts ALL Your Emails, SMSs, Facebook AND Instagram Messages Into ONE Inbox! 🔔 Calling all Business Owners! Ever dreamt of a world ...
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How To Create a ‘LinkTree’ Page for Your Social Media Bio’s, To Increase Your Sales Instantly

How easy is it for prospects to find what you sell? It never ceases to amaze me how many business owners make it almost IMPOSSIBLE ...
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