16 Ways To Grow Your Business

16 Ways To Grow Your Business

16 Ways To Grow Your Business - sarahcordiner.com

🌟Update your website homepage

  • Does your website clearly state exactly what you do for people right in the home page banner?
  • Do you have a free opt-in right at the top of the page?
  • Have you clearly listed all of the ways that you help people?(Eg, I have a section on my homepage that says “here are 5 ways that I can help you create your courses”…. then it shows little clickable images for my free training, my course creation coaching program, my Legends Lab membership, my done-for-you course creation services and a book a call with me link).
  • Feel free to be inspired by mine here: www.sarahcordiner.com

 🌟Film a ‘Who Am I?’ Video:

  • Showcase your personality, what you help people do and how you do it for them in a short video.
  • Add this video to your website home page and your social media.
  • You might like to ‘pin’ this video on your socials too.

 🌟Develop an Authority IP Framework:

  • Turn your knowledge into a visual model that clearly communicates your step by step system for teaching and coaching people through your transformation process or service.

 🌟Identify Your Products and Services:

  • Determine what products or services you will offer, such as courses, coaching, consulting, services, bootcamps, memberships – and how much you will charge, and what will be included in each one. Here is some more info on course creation tips on my blog.

🌟Create an Irresistible Offer:

  • Develop offers that your customers can’t refuse, ensuring they are clear and compelling.
  • Structure your sales pages for the higest conversion rates by addressing the feelings and results that your target clients desires to have, and how your offer gives them the results they need.

🌟Map Out Your Customer Journey:

  • Design a pathway that guides customers from entry-level lead magnets, through to low-priced offers, to high-ticket offers, and even ongoing membership or retainer based offers for a long term customer lifespan.

🌟Pre-Sell Your Offerings:

  • Sell your products before they are fully created, providing proof of concept and generating early revenue.
  • Simply create an offer page and checkout with an early bird discount to encourage your founding members.

 🌟Implement the Profit First System:

  • Structure your business finances to maximize profitability, ensuring sustainable growth and financial health.

🌟Set Your One Big Goal:

  • Define your ‘One Big Goal’ for the next 12 months.
  • This should be a clear and ambitious goal that will drive your actions and decisions.
  • If you were only allowed to achieve ONE thing in the next 12 months, what would it be? Now multiply that goal by 10.
  • ALL of your effort should focus in on this goal.

 🌟Create a 90-Day Action Plan:

  • Break down your big goal into micro tasks that you can achieve within the next 90 days to progress you towards that One Big Goal. This helps in maintaining focus and momentum.

🌟Manage Your Tasks:

  • Use a digital task manager like Tekmatix to stay organised and prioritize your tasks.

 🌟Hire Virtual Assistants:

  • Delegate tasks to multiply your productivity and performance. VAs can help you get way more done in your business and free you up to do the things that you love and are best at – this brings joy back to your business.

🌟Content Marketing:

  • Regularly publishing helpful tips, answering common questions in your field and sharing your personal views on your industry news, trends and methods for success will help you establish a reputation as a leader in your industry – and help you grow a following of people who are hungry for your expertise.
  • I use tools like answerthepublic, ChatGPT and scouring Facebook groups that my audience are in (as well as my 15+ years experience in my industry) to collect an enormous list of questions that I can answer to create content around.
  • And then I use that list to create emails like this (that I hope you find helpful!)
  • I block out repeating weekly slots in my calendar to produce content.
  • When you combine ‘what people are asking’, with a solid content marketing plan that has been strategically mapped to your customer journey – EVERYONE wins.

🌟Video Marketing:

  • Video is the fastest way to build connection and trust online.
  • People get to look into your eyes, and experience you and your expertise for themselves.
  • In a world where people buy people, you NEED to get yourself on video if you want to win in your industry.
  • And no – you don’t need to script.
  • Nobody wants to be read to.
  • Authenticity and realness always wins.
  • The most ‘relaxed’, unedited and un-perfected videos do the best today.
  • The videos I create where I’m just in my comfy clothes, no make and messy mum-bun, often do better than my professionally filmed and edited videos.
  • So this is your nudge to create reels, vlogs, YouTubes and TikToks for maximum discoverability.

🌟SEO and Blogging:

  • Most experts, coaches and course creators focus entirely on getting ‘like’s on social media, when actually the BIGGEST source of traffic is from Google.
  • If you want a never-ending stream of FREE traffic and leads from the largest traffic source in the world, then start creating high-quality, keyword-rich blog posts that fill the needs and questions of your target audience.

🌟Speaking & Presenting

  • When you get yourself at the front of a room, your credibility increases instantly. You don’t even have to ‘sell’, to make sales from that position.
  • You just rock up, share what you love, and you’ll have a queue of leads knocking on your door at the end.

📌Ready To Get Some of This Stuff DONE??

But HOW do you do all of this??I teach you HOW to do alllllll of the above – and MUCH morein my Legends Lab 

See you in there!

Sarah x

5 Ways To Become a Well-Known Expert In Your Industry

Start Making Your Knowledge Work & Changing Lives Today

Take your knowledge out of your head and turn it into a profitable online business.

Dramatically increase your industry reputation, reach a global audience, gain a passive income and impact people's lives all over the world through your expertise.

Let me help you commercialise your IP, create and publish your courses and build a highly successful online business as a stand-out leader in your field of expertise.

Here are 5 ways that I can help you become a well-respected leader in your industry:

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FREE: Course Creation & Business Training

Get your FREE Course Creation & Business Training! FREE training to turn your passion, expertise & knowledge into a profitable online course, lift your global credibility & make a passive income!

Get The FREE Training
Book a Call

Book a Call with Me

If you have a number of questions, want one-on-one tech help or would just rather have a chat and guidance from me directly, you can book a call with me here.

the legends lab (1)

The Legends Lab

For those who are ready to become a stand-out leader in their field of expertise.

The Legends Lab is Sarah's ongoing coaching membership where you will learn how to become a well-known expert in your industry.


Concept To Course

Create and launch your online course or membership in just 30 days in my once-a-year course creation group coaching program.  Daily support, live calls, group learning and massive results, fast! 

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Done-For-You Services

Why not just hand it over to the experts? I can create your course plans, set up your online school, create slides, connect all of your technology & software, create your email automations and more.


Special Deals & Free Trials on my FAVOURITE Tech Tools & Software!

Click on the images below to get more information about the deals.

TekMatix is the market-leading all-in-one business platform, CRM and course creation platform.

It is your course platform, website, blog, email marketing software, ai bot, customer record management system, social media planner and auto-posting tool, calendar booking software, paid ads manager, sales manager and much much more. FIND OUT MORE HERE

Interact: Quiz making tool

AppSumo: Tech deals for business tools

Podcast.co Podcast hosting & distribution

Camtasia: Video Recording & Editing

Canva: Graphic Design

VideoAsk: Interactive Video Funnels

StreamYard: Livestream To Multiple Channels

TubeBuddy: YouTube Analytics & Competitor Data

Fiverr: Freelancers & Cheap Services

HeySummit: Host Summits and conferences

Creative Fabrica: Graphics, Illustrations and Images

Envatoelements: Unlimited Commercial Use Video Clips, B-roll, Audio, Music, Sound Effects

Loom: Record your screen and face videos

Course creation equipment that I recommend on Amazon

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