Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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How Do You Get Printed Copies of Your Book When You Publish Them on Amazon? Can You Get Author Discounts?

Did you know that authors can get discounted printing prices on their books on Amaozn? Meaning that you can print out your books at cost-only prices, then sell hard copies at events or markets at full retail price so that you make a nice juicy profit!   If you are ready to write and publish…


How To Outline a Non-Fiction Book?

How To Outline a Non-Fiction Book? We all know that planning makes perfect! But how do you plan out a book?! Glad you asked! In this video, I share one of the fastest ways to map out the structure of any non-fiction book so that you can get your book created fast AND fabulous! I’ve…


How Do You Overcome Self-Doubt When Writing a Book?

How Do You Overcome Self-Doubt When Writing a Book? One of the biggest things that hold people back from writing a book is self-doubt, imposter syndrome and fear. In this video, I will share a little about overcoming this to help you get past that blank page! If you are ready to write and publish…


Can ANYONE Write and Publish a Book? Or Have You Got To Be ‘Special’?

Can ANYONE Write and Publish a Book? Or Have You Got To Be ‘Special’? If you are ready to write and publish your own book, come grab my completely FREE starter training here:


How Do You Come Up With Book Ideas?

How Do You Come Up With Book Ideas? Your own expertise is naturally the best place to start! Your life experience, skills you have and your achievements are also great book topics to start with! There are also some great tricks for searching for trending topics in your industry which I share in my FREE…


What Are The Steps To Write and Publish a Book?

💥 What Are The Steps For Writing and Publishing a Book? There are 9 main steps to writing a non-fiction book… 1- Pick your topic and the audience you are writing for 2 – Write down 50 questions that audience ask about that topic (you can use free tools to find out what these questions…

Ep 40 How To Start a Podcast with Michael Sharkey

How To Start a Podcast with Michael Sharkey

How To Start a Podcast with Michael Sharkey LISTEN TO THE PODCAST We are going to be talking today about how important it is to consider adding podcasting, to your repertoire of reach your media, your way of engaging with your audience, building up some reputation for yourself, sharing your knowledge and expertise of the…


How To Protect Your Intellectual Property with Andrea Smith

How To Protect Your Intellectual Property with Andrea Smith LISTEN TO THE PODCAST As course creators, entrepreneurs experts, we are all creating content information processes, methodologies, systems that are unique to our brand. They are the things that make our author unique. And so it goes without saying that many course creators come across moments…