Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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Ep 40 How To Start a Podcast with Michael Sharkey

How To Start a Podcast with Michael Sharkey

How To Start a Podcast with Michael Sharkey LISTEN TO THE PODCAST We are going to be talking today about how important it is to consider adding podcasting, to your repertoire of reach your media, your way of engaging with your audience, building up some reputation for yourself, sharing your knowledge and expertise of the…


How To Protect Your Intellectual Property with Andrea Smith

How To Protect Your Intellectual Property with Andrea Smith LISTEN TO THE PODCAST As course creators, entrepreneurs experts, we are all creating content information processes, methodologies, systems that are unique to our brand. They are the things that make our author unique. And so it goes without saying that many course creators come across moments…


You Do Have A Message! Teaching your market what you know will skyrocket…

You do have a message.  You already know SO much and this knowledge you have is invaluable to others; it has the power to transform lives, businesses, and industries – as well as your own business and bottom line, IF ONLY YOU’D JUST UNLEASH IT!! Downloading your knowledge from your brain, and sharing it with…