Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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21 ways to scale your business -

21 Ways to Scale Your Business

Watch the full workshop Recording below: 21 Ways To Scale Your Business There is a big difference between GROWTH and SCALE. Trust me, I know. Back in 2012 I moved from Europe to Australia, and dreamed of ‘growing’ my small education and training company to a BIG fancy operation with an office full of staff…

12 Ways To Market and Sell Your Online Course

12 Ways To Market and Sell Your Online Course, Coaching Program or Membership – without Paid Ads!


Overcoming The Fear Of Filming Your Online Course Videos

Creating Courses on Camera   Presenting on camera is extremely different to presenting face to face. And along with that, comes the terrifying prospect that you are immortalizing yourself in the capturing of a video, that could be viewed by millions of people for the rest of time.  Gulp.   It’s not surprising that people…


The New (and much better) Way Of Getting Leads And Making Sales

‘Edu-preneurship’ and ‘Edu-marketing’ are the new ways of generating leads, impacting your market, positioning yourself as the authority in your field and of course, making more sales! Think ‘content marketing’ but on super-intergalactic steroids!   It’s about moving away from ‘selling’, and instead creating a following by educating and informing your market (but doing so…


How to use a business mistake to enhance your reputation

Making it right when you’ve got it wrong: How to use a business mistake to enhance your reputation   Today when I arrived at the office, I was faced with an entire team of panic-stricken staff, some tears, and looks of dread-laden terror. I knew something had gone wrong. Really wrong.   As a company that…


What is the role of the adult educator in the welfare to work sector?

There’s a lot to be said about our roles as educators – and they don’t get easier when you have a class full of adults. I’m a Trainer and CEO of a company that runs various activities and training initiatives for the long-term unemployed, benefit claimants, and offenders – often referred to as the ‘welfare…