Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation
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Starting a Business? Here are 3 Different Business Types To Choose From
Each has very different pros and cons – so make sure you pick wisely! Service Based Business Physical Products Based Business Digital Products Based Business #businesstips #businesscoach #businessadvice #startabusiness
Is your business rotting or growing?
So here’s a bit of a wake up call for us all. I’ve just been reading the book ‘Never Finished’ by @David Goggins, and he says that “if you are not getting better, you are actively deteriorating”. Our bodies do not stay at a static mode of health. The second we stop looking after ourselves…
Is It Ok To Include YouTube Videos in Your Online Course, or Host Course Videos on YouTube?
#coursecreationtips #onlinecoursecreation #edupreneur #digitalcoursetips #coursecoach #coursecreation
4 Tips For More Confidence as a Business Owner and Course Creator
It’s normal to have peaks and troughs in your confidence as a business owner. You can’t be ‘high’ all of the time. But business demands us to appear confident constantly, doesn’t it? Here are 4 little tips to keep your confidence strong. #businesstips #coursecreationtips #edupreneur #edupreneurtips #coursecreationcoach #businesscoach
ActiveCampaign just increased their prices – but here’s something WAY better!
#techtools #onlinemarketingtips #onlinemarketing #emailmarketing #emailmarketingtools #crm #courseplatform #businesstips
Should you charge monthly or annually for your membership?
What’s best for business? A monthly membership subscription where they can leave whenever they want? OR.. Lock them in for the year with an upfront payment?? The answer for your business is – what would YOU prefer as the customer? A longer, higher priced opt in is going to take a very different marketing approach…
6 Things You Need To Stop Worrying About As An Entrepreneur….
1. Failure: Failure is inevitable. It’s PART of business. Challenges are nothing but wonderful lessons for and growth opportunity. 2. Competition: Nobody can be you. Stop being so worried about what somebody is growing their own garden, that you forget to tend to your own. 3. Criticism & opinions of others: Take constructive advice, but…
How much does it cost to create an app for your course?
Well… if you use TekMatix, you get an app for YOU and your students included in your account!
Should you run ads to a free lead magnet, or a paid offer?
With so many goo-poos (sorry, GURU’s) telling you what to do, the answer in this video will surprise you…. What do you think?