Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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How Long Does It Take To Write a Book?

  Many people put off writing a book because the thought of tackling such a huge task feels overwhelming. But actually, writing a book is much easier than people think…   If you counted up all the words you’ve written in writing emails and social media comments – you’ve probably already written many books in…


Do You Have To Be Qualified To Create a Successful Online Course?

  Many people could be earning a fortune on the side, by creating their own online courses in topics that they are passionate about.   BUT – should you be a qualified teacher, or have formal training in the topic that you want to create courses about??   Check out this video for my answer…


Why It’s Taking You So Long To Write Your Book!

So many people have a dream to write a book, and usually get held back because of procrastination. And procrastination usually comes from a lack of direction. No clear process to follow. No clear steps to take. As soon as you have a clear and simple process to follow, a plan, a deadline, and then…


How To Launch and Promote a Book? What Marketing Methods Work For Launching a Book?

Here are some strategies to consider using in your book launch and ongoing marketing… Unfortunately, nothing sells itself – all products and services require some marketing efforts.FORTUNATELY – there are ENDLESS ways to market and launch your book!   In this video, I share a couple of ways to get your book noticed (more book…


Where To Get Images For Your Book

When you are publishing ANY work, it is essential that you have a commercial use license for the images that you are using. In this video, I share where I get all of mine so that you can stay on the right side of the law when publishing your books, eBook, workbooks, social media posts…


How To Get Book Sales on Amazon? How To Make Money as an Author on Amazon?

Well, Amazon has millions of book sales EVERY single day…. If you don’t have a book on Amazon, you’re missing out on MILLIONS of potential impressions and many sales yourself. Here are my thoughts on whether being an Amazon author is worth it in terms of money, reach and lead generation…. If you are ready…


How To Outline a Non-Fiction Book?

How To Outline a Non-Fiction Book? We all know that planning makes perfect! But how do you plan out a book?! Glad you asked! In this video, I share one of the fastest ways to map out the structure of any non-fiction book so that you can get your book created fast AND fabulous! I’ve…


If You Are Getting Low Views On Your Content – This Is For You!

If You Are Getting Low Views On Your Content – This Is For You! So you’ve lovingly and painstakingly created a video, blog article or social media post… but it’s only got a couple of views!!! I know it hurts, I know it is deflating, But pleeease give it time….. it WILL grow eventually! But…


How Do You Overcome Self-Doubt When Writing a Book?

How Do You Overcome Self-Doubt When Writing a Book? One of the biggest things that hold people back from writing a book is self-doubt, imposter syndrome and fear. In this video, I will share a little about overcoming this to help you get past that blank page! If you are ready to write and publish…


Can ANYONE Write and Publish a Book? Or Have You Got To Be ‘Special’?

Can ANYONE Write and Publish a Book? Or Have You Got To Be ‘Special’? If you are ready to write and publish your own book, come grab my completely FREE starter training here: