Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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How To Tell If You Are Over-Complicating Your Content

As a qualified course consultant, I’ve had so many clients say to me “I can’t teach my topic in short tip videos or webinars! MY topic is COMPLICATED!”   Wrong. ANYTHING can be explained in a 30 second tip version, and in a 3 year university degree version. ANYTHING!   Simplifying does not mean talking…


3 Things Business Owners Need to STOP Doing ASAP!

Success doesn’t JUST come from the things we DO. It also comes from the things that we STOP doing.   Holding back from putting yourself out there because you’re scared. Being scared doesn’t help anybody. Being scared doesn’t make you money. somebody calling you a poo-poo head doesn’t actually change who you are and the…


What FREE Platforms Can You Use For Blogging?

Like everything on the internet now, there are endless tools for absolutely everything. But when it comes to blogging, your own website is always the best first choice. My top pick is WordPress, but there is also a completely FREE blogging platform owned by Google that you can use too!   Check out this video…


The BIGGEST Source of FREE Traffic, Leads and Sales That EVERY Business Owner Is Missing

So many people are focussed on the instant gratification of a ‘like’ on social media, that they are completely missing out on THE most important and the BIGGEST source of free traffic that exists – BLOGGING!! Despite the rise of social media, Google and search engines are STILL the number 1 place that your customers…


TikTok and Google Have Partnered – More SEO For YOU!

Did you know that Google and TikTok partnered earlier this year, and TIKTOK videos are now showing up in Google search results?! This is HUGE for the SEO, reach and discoverability of those using TikTok!   If you have any questions, drop them in the comments. To create online courses, publish books and build a…


Are You Over-Thinking and Over-Complicating Your Business and Now Frozen With Procrastination?

You’re not the only one! We are all guilty of it from time to time. In this video I’ll share a couple of tips with you to get out of it.   If you’d like some more business growth tips, come and grab my FREE business growth resources here:


How Creating an Online Course Can Change Lives

How Creating an Online Course Can Change Lives Back in early 2020 when c0v!d hit, I gave away $1.35 million worth of places on my online courses to help those who had suddenly lost their jobs and income. One of the many advantages of online courses, is that the overheads are so low that once…


What Will You Post on Social Media Today? PROMPT #42

Watch the video for your social media post prompt today 🙂 Want to grow your fans and following in your business? You can get ALL of my 365 social media post ideas here: Or join my #30Days30Tips Challenge to rapidly grow your social media following and industry authority:


What Will You Post on Social Media Today? PROMPT #41

What Will You Post on Social Media Today? PROMPT #41 Watch the video for your social media post prompt today 🙂 You can get ALL of my 365 social media post ideas to grow your business fans and following here:


What Will You Post on Social Media Today? PROMPT #40

Watch the video for your social media post prompt today 🙂 You can get ALL of my 365 social media post ideas to grow your business fans and following here:   Or join my #30Days30Tips Challenge to rapidly take your industry authority to the next level: