Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation
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How Much Time Does It Really Take To Run A Successful Online Course Business?
Can You Be Successful with Online Courses and Coaching as a Side Hustle When You’re Employed or are a Full-time Parent? Do you need to quit your job to make it work? Do you need to wait until the kids are all grown up? Do you need a huge, expensive team? Oh no,…
Should Your Membership Have a Free Trial?
For those of you clever cookies who have realised that having a subscription or membership is INCREDIBLE for your business’s bottom line; you may have asked yourself at some stage whether or not you should give away a free trial to let people check it out before they start their monthly payments… I sure did…
Can You Profit From Online Courses If You Don’t Have Any Special Talents?
Yes you can! You do stuff every day that is so automatic to you, that you don’t even realise that you’ve mastered it to ‘Level Guru’! Your hobbies can be profitable courses. Your daily routines can be profitable courses. The things your friends and family and school mums come to you for advice about can…
Should You Stick To One Specific Topic as a Course Creator, or Make Your Market Options as Broad as Possible?
The truth is that you have so many things that you can be teaching, coaching and sharing with people, that choosing whether to stick to just one of them as an ‘ultra niche’ expert or keeping your topics broad to maximise your market volume, is all a very tough decision for many coaches consultants and…
3 Ways to Check If Your Online Course Will Sell or Not
Got an online course idea, but not sure if anyone will buy it? Here are 3 ways to check if there is a enough market demand for your course idea before you start creating it!
Should You Charge For a Beta Course?
A beta course is basically a ‘test run’ of a new course or coaching program that you’ve created. Running a beta round of your course with real people is a great way to test that your content flows, the tech works and to get real feedback about any improvements that it may need before you…
What to do if you have lots of course ideas and dont know which one to create first?
Got lots of course ideas, but don’t know which one to pick first? Don’t feel like you have to restrict your creativity to just ONE course! You can create many courses! The great thing about being a course creator is that you can create limitless amounts of courses! In today’s video is a quick…
Should You Build an Audience BEFORE You Start Selling Your Courses, Products and Services?
I saw a ‘coach’ in a Facebook group recently tell everyone that they shouldn’t even consider putting content ‘out there’ or trying to sell anything, until they’ve built an audience. This was a VERY controversial post. It is age-old chicken and egg question…. does the audience come first, or the product come first? In today’s…
How Do I Make My Income Online, and What Does an Online Education Business Do?
I was recently asked by one of my family members, ‘what exactly do you do to earn money online??’. Well, there are a number of ways that I earn my income, and in this video I share them with you; as you can also earn a side-income or even replace your entire salary with these…
What Is The BEST Way To Deliver Your Online Course?
I’ve seen people publish a PDF and some slide printouts, and call it an ‘online course’. A PDF is not an online course and you’ll get 100% refund requests if you even attempt to call it one, even if it is amazing. I mean, ask yourself this question… if you paid to attend a course…