Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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5 Reasons Why You Should Record Your Coaching Calls -

5 Reasons Why You Should Record Your Coaching Calls

If you are doing Zoom calls, workshops, coaching calls or Q&A calls – make sure you are recording them all! As an expert, entrepreneur, course creator, or educator, recording your coaching sessions offers numerous benefits…. Here are 5 of them: 1. Replays For Students/Clients 2. Legal Stuff 3. Content Repurposing for Marketing 4. Respecting Client…


11 Ways To Beat Self-Doubt & Imposter Syndrome When Creating Online Courses

11 Ways To Beat Self-Doubt & Imposter Syndrome When Creating Online Courses Before we go into the 11 tips, here are a couple of videos in overcoming common fears, self-doubts and the inner imposter when ‘putting yourself out there’ as an expert…..   Imposter syndrome kicks in when we spend more time focusing on the…


9 Ways to Increase Completion Rates of Your Online Course

9 Ways To Increase The Completion Rates of Your Online Course from Sarah Cordiner According to novoed, online course completion rates are extremely low at just 13%.   This is a major problem for online course creators and online instructors.   If our students do not complete our courses, they cannot benefit from everything that…


How Long Should Your Online Course Videos Be?

How long should your online course videos be? Here are 3 top tips for creating your perfect online course video length.


The Benefits of Hiring Guest Speakers vs Training Organisations For Employee Development

The Benefits of Hiring Guest Speakers vs Training Organisations For Employee Development You don’t always need a training organisation. Reduce costs and maintain quality with professional speakers for your employee training. Do you really need a registered training organisation to deliver your next employee development workshop? If your staff training absolutely requires an accredited outcome,…


Building Educational Efficacy in Post-Compulsory Education

Building Educational Efficacy in Post-Compulsory Education Author: Sarah Cordiner I have written a lot about educational efficacy in my books, but in this article, we will focus specifically on what it means in the post-compulsory education sector, and how you can nurture the educational efficacy of your students. When most educators or regulators assess the…


Overcoming The Fear Of Filming Your Online Course Videos

Creating Courses on Camera   Presenting on camera is extremely different to presenting face to face. And along with that, comes the terrifying prospect that you are immortalizing yourself in the capturing of a video, that could be viewed by millions of people for the rest of time.  Gulp.   It’s not surprising that people…


The Biggest Barriers To Organisational e-Learning

Why are so many businesses not yet benefiting from organisational e-learning?   Even though e-Learning has been around for over 20 years, you’d be amazed at how little it is yet being used in organisations for employee training and development. E-Learning doesn’t always suit every learning and development situation, but in a world where employees…


Increase Your Student Retention by Contextualising Your Training

Most experienced teachers will be able to recall a feeling of losing the engagement of a learner at some point in their career. It’s not an easy circumstance to manage – circumstantially or emotionally. Adult learners often have a choice about taking your course, as well as a voice (and in today’s world a very…


What I Learned About Being a Great Teacher…. (from murderers and thieves….)

What I learned about how to be a great teacher from murderers and thieves….   What makes a great teacher? There are countless ways to measure the success factors of a great teacher, and many of them are subjective or immeasurable in their nature. The fact is, there are many factors that must combine to…