Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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The Biggest Barriers To Organisational e-Learning

Why are so many businesses not yet benefiting from organisational e-learning?   Even though e-Learning has been around for over 20 years, you’d be amazed at how little it is yet being used in organisations for employee training and development. E-Learning doesn’t always suit every learning and development situation, but in a world where employees…


Increase Your Student Retention by Contextualising Your Training

Most experienced teachers will be able to recall a feeling of losing the engagement of a learner at some point in their career. It’s not an easy circumstance to manage – circumstantially or emotionally. Adult learners often have a choice about taking your course, as well as a voice (and in today’s world a very…


What I Learned About Being a Great Teacher…. (from murderers and thieves….)

What I learned about how to be a great teacher from murderers and thieves….   What makes a great teacher? There are countless ways to measure the success factors of a great teacher, and many of them are subjective or immeasurable in their nature. The fact is, there are many factors that must combine to…


Sarah’s New Book: “The Theory and Principles of Creating Effective Training Courses” [Get Your Exclusive Signed Copy]


12 Success Tips That I’ll Definitely Be Taking into 2017

I’ll save the fluffy intro.  Here are 12 things that have really helped me have an absolutely sensational 2016 in business, and that I will definitely be taking into next year – enjoy!   Have a really clear plan A plan is not about writing a to-do list.  It’s about defining exactly what every single…


8 Ways To Engage the Right Brain Learner in Your Online Courses

8 Ways To Engage the Right Brain Learner in Your Online Courses The left side of our brain is the logical, analytical and  strategic side of us; whereas the right side of our brain is the visual, creative and conceptual side of us.  Most people fall more into one side than another the majority of…


How To Engage Heart-Centered Learners in Your Online Courses

When we are creating courses of any kind, it is critical that we consider the many different learning preferences and learner characteristics that our course will need to engage. In other articles I have talked about how to engage global vs analytical learners; left brain vs right brain learners, kinaesthetic, visual and audio preferences –…

Engage The Left Brain Learner

11 Ways To Engage The Left Brain Learner In Your Courses

11 Ways To Engage The Left Brain Learner In Your Courses   As course creators and trainers, we need to ensure that our learning content and delivery is cognitively engaging; and in particular to both sides of our learners brains.   In order to absorb our training, our left brain learners will subconsciously break down…

How To Engage The Kinaesthetic Learner

21 Ways To Engage The Kinaesthetic Learner in Your Course

21 Ways To Engage The Kinaesthetic Learner in Your Course 21 Ways To Engage The Kinaesthetic Learner in Your Online Courses from Sarah Cordiner When it comes to designing our online or offline training courses, it is essential that we incorporate teaching and learning techniques that meet the four main types of learning modes: visual  audio …

Ho To Engage Audio Learners

14 Ways To Engage The Auditory Learner in Your Courses

14 Ways To Engage The Auditory Learner in Your Courses   One of the major things we need to consider when it comes to designing our online or offline training course, is whether we have designed our program for the four main types of learners: visual learners audio learners kinaesthetic learners reading and writing learners  …