Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation
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This all-in-one CRM can be used in 15 different languages!
You can now use TekMatix in over 15 different languages! This will allow you to change the main navigation and menu wording into a language of your choice. This makes TekMatix the best and most internationally friendly all-in-one CRM and course creation platform on the market! plus, you get a FREE set up call when…
What To Do If You Are Worried About Your Competition Copying You
Double down on being amazing. Double down on being the most helpful person in your industry. Double down on delivering mind-blowing value. (But if they really take the biscuit, then double down on a rabid lawyer)
What tech do you need to run a successful business?
Most business owners are madly burning themselves out trying to do everything in their business. Stuff that technology could be doing FOR them. If you want to scale to an unlimited level (whilst not burning out and losing your mind), you MUST have some basic tech in your business, including: A landing page (to sell…
Never Give Up On Your Online Course Idea
Note: This article was originally published on 25th April 2016, and updated in June 2022. Author: Sarah Cordiner I remember when my education business was just an idea. When it all seemed so difficult, impossible, terrifying, overwhelming.. (ok, it can still be all of these things at times!!) But just like you, I had a…
How I Got 11,037 New Online Course Enrolments – in Just 6 Weeks!
I absolutely love reading (and listening) to books. I always find them sparking an idea, rousing some inspiration and igniting renewed motivation. I recently read ‘One Million Followers’ by Brendan Kane which is largely about using paid Facebook ads to rapidly generate a large following of highly targeted prospects. As many…
How To Control A Massive To-Do List
How To Control A Massive To-Do List via GIPHY I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel like I have 10,000 balls up in the air, whilst conducting an orchestra of wasps in the middle of a hurricane… We all let our to-do lists get the better of us from time to time. In…
What Your Website MUST Have & Do To Make More Sales & Grow Your Email List
What Your Website MUST Have & Do To Make More Sales & Grow Your Email List Websites, learning management systems, email marketing software, social media….. The list is endless! When you are brand new to the world of online course creation and all of the ‘things’ that the marketers are telling you that ‘you must…
5 Ways To Dramatically Increase Your Income in Your Business
5 Ways To Dramatically Increase Your Income in Your Course Creation or Education-Based Business Successful businesses consciously PLAN for PROFIT in their businesses. They have a goal to aim for, they know what they are going to sell, they have a clear customer journey and they organise their time according to their goal-tasks, and they…