Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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14 Reasons Why You Should Become an Edu-preneur in 2018

We are in the midst of a learning revolution. Consumers are hungrier than ever to know why and how things are done, and are only buying from those who tell them. This change is happening right now.  Those not willing to jump on board are already being left behind. In this article, edupreneur of 12…


10 Business Growth Strategies For Edupreneurs and Course Creators in 2018

10 Business Growth Strategies For Edupreneurs and Course Creators in 2018   If you want to sell more online courses, books, eBooks, consultations, workshops or other products and services in 2018, your sales success will be directly proportionate to the amount of work that you put in.  There’s no shortcut to success.   Effective marketing…


11 Ways To Overcome The Competition

It’s completely normal to feel threatened by your competition. There have been times when I’ve sat back and watched one of my competitors execute some spectacular launch and it made me feel so inferior that I momentarily questioned my entire career choice whilst shoving an entire packet of chocolate-coated comfort biscuits into my mouth! As…


How To Create, Schedule and Publish a Blog Post in WordPress

How To Create, Schedule and Publish a Blog Post in WordPress Blogging is an incredible way to get yourself and your expertise out to the world. Once that blog is published, anyone can find it, and that means that they can find YOU, your expertise and of course, your products and services. In this video,…


How To Get More YouTube Video Views

How To Get More YouTube Video Views This video will show you a little trick to grow your YouTube video views much faster – by embedding your videos to your blog posts and then altering the HTML code of the video so that the video auto-plays. By setting your video to autoplay, anytime a viewer…


12 Success Tips That I’ll Definitely Be Taking into 2017

I’ll save the fluffy intro.  Here are 12 things that have really helped me have an absolutely sensational 2016 in business, and that I will definitely be taking into next year – enjoy!   Have a really clear plan A plan is not about writing a to-do list.  It’s about defining exactly what every single…


9 Ways To Get Less Haters and More Fans in Business: People Buy YOU

What is the difference between those who create truly loyal fans and those who get ostracised by the very community they are trying to engage? How is it, that even though we may have competitors who are far less intelligent, capable and competent than us, have raging success and a tribe of dedicated followers who…


How To Think Your Way To Success: What I learned from John Assaraf about succeeding

In October 2016 I had the extremely fortunate opportunity of attending the Thrive conference organised by Cole Hatter and his family, with much thanks to Thinkific who made me aware of the event. I had already booked my tickets before even getting to the 5th speaker in the lineup overview. I knew that it was…


Edupreneurship: The ONLY Growth Strategy You’ll Need in 2017

Once upon a time, it was he who shouted loudest that made the most sales; but gone are the days of the toe-curling ‘buy my stuff’ marketing techniques.  The only action this method attracts today is the ‘block’ button – every marketers nightmare. In recent years, we have witnessed a tidal shift into a new…


5 Ways To Make Your Students Hungry For Your Online Course

Have you ever bought a music album having not heard the music before?  Probably not.  Before you paid money for the last song you downloaded or CD you purchased, you are likely to have first heard it on the radio, at a friends house, in a club or at a concert.   If we want…