Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation
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Why You MUST Have a Free Lead Magnet
Why You MUST Have a Free Lead Magnet Before COVID-19 hit, I used to head down to the local craft markets every Saturday morning. I’d always grab a fresh mango smoothie, a coffee, browse the local craft, buy a crystal or two and pat dogs without asking the owners. via GIPHY One particular morning, I…
10 Ways To Lead With Humility
Humility: (noun): “the quality of having a modest or low view of one’s importance”. There are endless requirements of a leader, but one we rarely see on their job description is ‘must be able to lead with humility’, despite it being one of the strongest influencers on an organisation’s culture. Pope Francis believes that humility…
The ONE Thing That Separates Successful & Unsuccessful People
The ONE Thing That Separates Successful and Unsuccessful People Success does NOT happen overnight, and it certainly isn’t easy! There will be days when you’ll want to bury your head in the sand, but if you have just simple dedication, I promise, you will get there. This is my 15th year of being in…
What You MUST Know Before Creating Online Courses or Starting an Online Info Business
What You MUST Know Before Creating Online Courses or Starting an Online Info Business Building an online business for the first time is challenging! I see many new online entrepreneurs giving themselves a real hard time about it all – thinking that they have to know it ALL right away. There is a lot to…
25 Steps To a Thriving Online Business – The Edupreneur Success Journey
Success is a journey! And if you follow the right path one step at a time, reaching the desired destination is INEVITABLE. If you are dreaming of having a highly profitable and successful online business, you have just 25 key steps to follow to get there. I call this, The Edupreneur’s Success Journey; and here…
What REALLY Makes You Rich & Successful
What REALLY Makes You Rich & Successful? Well, it’s YOU. It’s your ideas, your message, your voice, your way of saying it. It is simply taking the time to be creative and to share yourself and your ideas with the world REGULARLY. In this video, I share ONE simple habit that I stick to with…
Do You Get Triggered in Business?
Do You Get Triggered in Business? There I was, scrolling through Facebook when I came across a post about whether or not the term ‘boss mum‘ was appropriate or acceptable to mothers who run their own businesses with staff. It was a simple question that you might expect would have ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers depending…
What To Do If You Can’t Afford To Create an Online Course
What To Do If You Can’t Afford To Create an Online Course “I Can’t Afford To Do It”… Is this reason holding you back from your online course creation? If so, this article is for you…. I work with many aspiring edupreneurs every week. All of them have great ideas and…
14 Ways To Protect The Intellectual Property of Your Online Course
Here are 14 ways that online course creators can protect the intellectual property of their online course content.