Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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What Gives You The Greatest Power, Is Giving People Theirs -

What Gives You The Greatest Power, Is Giving People Theirs

‌ So many people think that the key to being an influential, respected leader in their field, is to be domineering, authoritarian and ‘above’ everyone else. ‌ But REAL power and influence as a leader in your field, comes when you give power to others, rather than making them dependent on you. ‌ I always…


My Meeting with the Governor General of Australia – What I Asked Him About Being a Great Leader

🌟 My Meeting with the Governor General of Australia – What I Asked Him About Being a Great Leader ‌ Last year, I got to meet the most senior leader in Australia. Again. And I asked him about leadership – since teaching others how to become leaders in their fields of expertise is what I…

What Is Your Brand Personality? Take The Brand Personality Assessment! -

What Is Your Brand Personality? Take The Brand Personality Assessment!

Learning my brand personality archetype changed my business, and gave me permission to really go out there with my real, authentic voice, and bring my brands alive with my personality. We have partnered with Brand Magic as a formal licensee of this tried and tested brand diagnostic system, that I have used myself to brand…


The Benefits of Hiring Guest Speakers vs Training Organisations For Employee Development

The Benefits of Hiring Guest Speakers vs Training Organisations For Employee Development You don’t always need a training organisation. Reduce costs and maintain quality with professional speakers for your employee training. Do you really need a registered training organisation to deliver your next employee development workshop? If your staff training absolutely requires an accredited outcome,…


How Has COVID-19 Impacted The Online Learning Industry?

Growth in online learning since the covid pandemic   In late 2019, I wrote a report on the future of the adult learning industry. Since the COVID-19 pandemic made dramatic impacts to the education sector from February 2020 onwards – causing a huge surge in the popularity of online learning.   And it’s only just…


How To Dramatically Increase Your Income – Right Now

Since the dawn of the industrial revolution, we have as a collective society become accustomed to exchanging our time for money. The old hourly rate. I give you an hour of my time and you pay a fixed fee for it. Doesn’t sound so bad, does it? But charging by the hour is one of…


How To Deliver Your Online Course

How To Deliver Your Online Course Hi I love you. Huh?  We don’t really know each other that well do we……   When I first started my teaching career, I did my teaching practice in an all-male prison in the UK. One of the subjects I taught in the prison was communication skills. In one lesson,…


[REPORT]: The Future of Education and Training – Beyond 2020

What Is The Future of Adult Education & Training From 2020?  Author:  Sarah Cordiner It is impossible for us to accurately predict the future of the post-compulsory education & training sector with any certainty.   However, we can be certain that it will be different.   The current landscape and trends over the past 5-10 years can…


Building Educational Efficacy in Post-Compulsory Education

Building Educational Efficacy in Post-Compulsory Education Author: Sarah Cordiner I have written a lot about educational efficacy in my books, but in this article, we will focus specifically on what it means in the post-compulsory education sector, and how you can nurture the educational efficacy of your students. When most educators or regulators assess the…


4 Ways To Overcome The Overwhelm of Online Course Creation

  Whether it’s the first course you’ve created online, or your 1000 th , there’s nothing quite like creating something that has the potential for millions of people to access and benefit from. Despite the excitement of this prospect, it can also incite fear and overwhelm into a course creator and freeze them in their…