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13 Business Lessons I Learned from my Dad…
It’s a pretty special day today… My Dad’s 70th birthday! My Dad has recently retired, but was self-employed for decades doing building and maintenance contracting. ...
Keep reading 10 Things I Do Every January To Set Up My Year For Success
10 Things I Do Every January To Set Up My Year For Success Ok so the xmas headache is hopefully wearing off, only for the ...
Keep reading The One Thing That Creates Success
There's one thing that will guarantee your success over everything. It trumps money, fancy tactics, and any expensive coach. It is: PERSISTENCE. If you keep ...
Keep reading What is an ‘over-achiever’?
Why is ambition for some, a negative trait? Why are so many people quick to label ambitious individuals as 'overachievers' or 'workaholics'? As somebody with ...
Keep reading Never add students to your courses manually! Automate your student sign-up process
Never create an online course coaching program or membership that you have to manually give people access to. Not only are you going to have ...
Keep reading How do you make your online course interactive?
Be careful with ‘interactivity’….. most of us have defined education based on we experienced in school ourselves, and assume that for a course to be ...
Keep reading How do you price and package your online course?
Well before you even consider the price you will charge, there are two very critical decisions you need to make first… What TYPE of course(s) ...
Keep reading 3 ways to making $50k months online
When I got my teaching degree and started my education business 15 years ago, I NEVER imagined that it would one day turn into an ...
Keep reading Feeling like your industry is too saturated for you to compete?
Feeling like ‘EVERYONE’ is talking about your topic, so there’s no point in you creating content, no point in you making videos, no point in ...
Keep reading How much should you charge for a membership that only has live Q&A calls in it?
Did you know that you can start a membership TODAY, JUST by setting up a recurring monthly zoom call, and it STILL be great value?! ...
Keep reading What CRM and course platform is best for course creators, coaches and consulting businesses?
What CRM and course platform is best for course creators, coaches and consulting businesses? Quit paying a fortune for millions of different tools in your ...
Keep reading This is why your course or training isn’t selling…
The 'consumer' of your course content, isn't always the person paying for it! Your sales offer needs to talk to the person PAYING for the ...
Keep reading Will your course sell if the topic is ‘too’ niche?
We've all heard that 'the riches are in the niches'.... but is that true? Does niching your course topic down 'too' much reduce your potential ...
Keep reading Should you build an audience BEFORE you create your course?
OR.. should you create your course and THEN build an audience? You should always be doing both at the same time. You NEVER ever stop ...
Keep reading Should you script your online course videos?
Presenting to camera can be an extremely confronting exercise - even if you are experienced! So when you find yourself forgetting how to speak as ...
Keep reading Can you create your course live ‘as you go’? Or do you have to film it all before you launch?
In this video, qualified course creation expert, Sarah Cordiner, will explain how you can simplify the beta course creation process with a live launch. ...
Keep reading How To Create a Course If Your Topic Is Regularly Changing & Updating
If you are teaching a topic that sees regular updates and changes - like tech or social media, then you need to plan your course ...
Keep reading How To Create a Streamlined and Meaningful Course
There is SO much that you can teach and SO many different ways to package it and deliver in a course. If you are planning ...
Keep reading How To Create Exercises For Your Online Course or Coaching Program
Planning to create exercises, quizzes or assignemts for your stduents on your onine course? Watch this before you start!
Keep reading How To Turn a Book Into an Online Course
Creating different mediums of your expertise will multiply your audience. You can turn a book into a course, a course into a book, a keynote ...
Keep reading What platform to host your online course or membership?
If you are wondering what what platform, LMS or software to use for your online course, coaching program or membership - this video will walk ...
Keep reading How To Create Courses – Your Questions About Creating Online Courses, Coaching Programs and Memberships
Your Questions About Creating Online Courses, Coaching Programs and Memberships Every now and then, I send an email out to email community asking if anyone ...
Keep reading Never Write An Email EVER Again! Free Chrome Extension That Replies To Your Emails For You
You don't even need to reply to your emails any more! Here's a free ai chrome extension that replies to your emails for you... ...
Keep reading Should you create different types of content for every social media platform?
My view is that this is a very personal choice and depends on the time you have available for content creation and production. I have ...
Keep reading Service Based Business Owners – Here Are The 10 Golden Rules For Starting a Client Project
Are you offering services in your business? or plan to? Here are the 10 critical things that EVERY service provider of any size, in any ...
Keep reading The 5 steps to create a lead magnet to grow your email list
Q: How do you grow an email list? A: With a lead magnet! Q: How do you create a lead magnet? A: Here are the ...
Keep reading How Much Content Should Be In Your Membership Before You Launch It?
A ‘membership’ or ‘subscription’ based business is by far my favourite business model. You get to be completely creative, serve your community at an exceptional ...
Keep reading What is email marketing and how do you start? – PART 2
After getting a email marketing system and creating an opt in form, the next thing you need is a ‘welcome sequence’. I explain more in ...
Keep reading How to do email marketing? – PART 1
Email marketing has been one of the biggest contributors to my success in business over the years - but it doesn’t have to all be ...
Keep reading How To Easily Sell WAY More Courses, Products and Services (without doing any extra work or marketing)
Getting your courses, coaching programs, products and services out to more people doesn’t have to be all hustle and grind. There’s a MUCH easier way ...
Keep reading Free Gift
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