Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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Making Space For Positive Change

  Burn It To The Ground When I first arrived in Australia from the UK in early 2012, I witnessed the WEIRDEST thing….   I was driving along a country back road ‘out bush’, when I noticed the Department of Parks and Wildlife trucks making a roadblock.     A tunnel of thick black smoke filled…


Been Dreaming Of Creating Your Own Profitable Training Course?

One of the most powerful actions you can take towards growing your business, making more sales, generating leads and positioning yourself as a leader in your field, is to develop an authority product. The best of all authority products for conversions is a training product or program, such as a course, workshop, webinar, workbook or…


As unemployment in Australia rises, return to work support gets cut

**OLD POST from early 2015 – lifted from the archives due to recent blog updates**   The Government has just slashed the national funding for training the unemployed, which will see more people unemployed for much longer periods of time, if not forever. Without the funding for necessary job training, job seekers and job services agencies…


How To Be The Best Educator – Or The Worst

The Efficacy Effect (Sarah Cordiner) is a concept that illustrates how and to what extent people can influence results through their belief in their ability to control various life events. Our everyday experiences – indeed, our entire life path – can be influenced by our perceived ability or inability to succeed in any given activity, despite what our actual ability…