Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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Did You Know That Professional Speaking is The Highest Paying Hourly Rate Work in The World?

Did You Know That Professional Speaking is The Highest Paying Hourly Rate Work in The World?

Did You Know That Professional Speaking is The Highest Paying Hourly Rate Work in The World? If you are thinking about taking your expertise to the next level and planning on doing some more public speaking – you are about to step in to a world where you ca earn more in an hour than…

What is The Difference Between Self-Publishing a Book, and Traditional Publishing? -

What is The Difference Between Self-Publishing a Book, and Traditional Publishing?

What is The Difference Between Self-Publishing a Book, and Traditional Publishing? Traditional Publishing vs. Self-Publishing a Book: Which is Best for You? If you want to dramatically increase your status, credibility and reputation in your industry – the you should definitely have ‘publish a book’ on your to-do list! BUT… do you self-publish a book,…

How to Clone Yourself with Your Own ChatGPT Bot in 6 Simple Steps -

How to Clone Yourself with Your Own ChatGPT Bot in 6 Simple Steps

How to Clone Yourself with Your Own ChatGPT Bot in 6 Simple Steps Ever wished you could clone yourself to manage all those daily tasks? Well, guess what? Now you can. It’s as easy as 6 simple steps to create a CLONE of yourself as a GPT, and train it with EVERYTHING you know… …..

The Fastest Way To Stand Out, Get Seen and Become Adored as a Course Creator, Coach or Speaker -

The Fastest Way To Stand Out, Get Seen and Become Adored as a Course Creator, Coach or Speaker

The Fastest Way To Stand Out, Get Seen and Become Adored as a Course Creator, Coach or Speaker I hear sooo many business owners say ‘I’d do ANYTHING’ to create my dream and reach my business goals…….. But then I tell them what THE most effective method is to make that happen FAST…. … and…

What Makes You Weird, is What Makes You Rich -

What Makes You Weird, is What Makes You Rich

What Makes You Weird, is What Makes You Rich Are you a bit of a weirdo? Well, to SOME people you are. We all are. Identifying the thing that makes you a bit ‘weird’, could just be your magical key to substantial wealth and success. Do you talk too fast? A pole-dancing 70 year old?…

How To Dramatically Stand Out From Your Competition as a Coach, Consultant or Course Creator -

How To Dramatically Stand Out From Your Competition as a Coach, Consultant or Course Creator

How To Dramatically Stand Out From Your Competition as a Coach, Consultant or Course Creator If you’re providing coaching, consulting, or creating courses or memberships and want to stand out from the competition, you need an IP framework. What’s one an IP Framework??! It’s an Intellectual Property framework – a model, a step-by-step system, your…

Who You Are BEING Is Your Brand -

Who You Are BEING Is Your Brand

Who You Are BEING Is Your Brand What You Are Doing (or Not Doing) Is Your Brand Here’s the hard truth: What you are DOING and who you are BEING is your brand. If you’re putting stuff off – that’s your brand. If nobody knows who you are and what you do, that’s your brand….

Should you script your online course videos? -

Should you script your online course videos?

Should you script your online course videos? Presenting to camera can be an extremely confronting exercise – even if you are experienced! So when you find yourself forgetting how to speak as soon as that big red record button starts flashing – should you script your videos to make it easier? In this video, experienced…

What Would I Do If I Was Starting My Business From Scratch – From a 7-Figure Start-Up Business Owner….

What Would I Do If I Was Starting My Business From Scratch – From a 7-Figure Start-Up Business Owner….

What Would I Do If I Was Starting My Business From Scratch – From a 7-Figure Start-Up Business Owner…. In one of my Legends Lab calls recently, I got asked… “If you had to start your business again in 2024, what would be the crucial things you’d focus on?” I love this question! As someone…

Can you deliver a course ‘live’ as you go? Or do you have to film everything before you launch? -

Can you deliver a course ‘live’ as you go? Or do you have to film everything before you launch?

Can you deliver a course ‘live’ as you go? Or do you have to film everything before you launch? Can you create your course live ‘as you go’? Or do you have to film it all before you launch? In this video, qualified course creation expert, Sarah Cordiner, will explain how you can simplify the…