Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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Where's That Confidence of Yours Gone? -

Where’s That Confidence of Yours Gone?

Where’s That Confidence of Yours Gone? Here are 4 Tips For Increasing Your Confidence as a Business Owner and Course Creator It’s normal to have peaks and troughs in your confidence as a business owner. You can’t be ‘high’ all of the time. But business demands us to appear confident constantly, doesn’t it? Here are…


The ONE Thing That Is Causing Your Depression or Anxiety….

I’m currently sat on a 12-hour flight from Boston to Doha (yay for in-flight wifi); having just had a pretty emotionally turbulent week of international travel for work. Without going into the gory, snot-smothered details – I ain’t really built for the big city. For me crowds = panic attacks. So as you can imagine,…


11 Ways To Beat Self-Doubt & Imposter Syndrome When Creating Online Courses

11 Ways To Beat Self-Doubt & Imposter Syndrome When Creating Online Courses Before we go into the 11 tips, here are a couple of videos in overcoming common fears, self-doubts and the inner imposter when ‘putting yourself out there’ as an expert…..   Imposter syndrome kicks in when we spend more time focusing on the…


How To Deal With Your Doubters & Naysayers

How To Deal With Your Doubters & Naysayers Business can be tough and lonely at the best of times; but trying to forge a pathway for ourselves when we have people around us who actively oppose, ridicule, judge, belittle or condescend us for your edupreneurial plans, can be soul crushing.   My family and closest…


Meditate: Guided Meditations for Wealth, Success & Prosperity [FREE]

Those who take the time to meditate on their intentions, are more likely to actualise them. These free powerful guided meditations have been lovingly written and recorded to help you manifest wealth, health, peace, success and prosperity in your life and business. I have included the YouTube versions below, but you can also listen to…


Do You Get Triggered in Business?

Do You Get Triggered in Business? There I was, scrolling through Facebook when I came across a post about whether or not the term ‘boss mum‘ was appropriate or acceptable to mothers who run their own businesses with staff.  It was a simple question that you might expect would have ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers depending…


What To Do When People Doubt You

What To Do When People Doubt You For many people, what other people think about them is really important – especially those that they love.   Getting support and approval from the people we care about the most can be hugely important and for many people, the ultimate deciding factor about whether they go ahead…


What To Do When a Crazy Customer Knocks Your Course Creation Confidence

What To Do When a Crazy Customer Knocks Your Course Creation Confidence You’ve lovingly created your online courses, even built some services around your topic of expertise; but at the back of your mind you always have this tiny sense of anxiety, a little niggling of fear ‘what if I’m not good enough?’, ‘What if…


The Benefits of Hiring Guest Speakers vs Training Organisations For Employee Development

The Benefits of Hiring Guest Speakers vs Training Organisations For Employee Development You don’t always need a training organisation. Reduce costs and maintain quality with professional speakers for your employee training. Do you really need a registered training organisation to deliver your next employee development workshop? If your staff training absolutely requires an accredited outcome,…


Making Space For Positive Change

  Burn It To The Ground When I first arrived in Australia from the UK in early 2012, I witnessed the WEIRDEST thing….   I was driving along a country back road ‘out bush’, when I noticed the Department of Parks and Wildlife trucks making a roadblock.     A tunnel of thick black smoke filled…