Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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Training Provider Survival, an Interview With Raelene Bartlett

Training Provider Survival, an Interview With Raelene Bartlett

Training Provider Survival, an Interview With Raelene Bartlett Shownotes Traditional training organisations have faced a HUGE shift since co-vid hit in 2020. Many were providing face to face training and had classrooms filled with learners every day – particularly those who had corporate and Government contracts. THOUSANDS of RTOs were forced into shut down in…


[REPORT]: The Future of Education and Training – Beyond 2020

What Is The Future of Adult Education & Training From 2020?  Author:  Sarah Cordiner It is impossible for us to accurately predict the future of the post-compulsory education & training sector with any certainty.   However, we can be certain that it will be different.   The current landscape and trends over the past 5-10 years can…


Is Over-Regulation of The VET Sector Killing Our Children’s Futures?

Is Over-Regulation of The VET Sector Killing Our Children’s Futures? Author: Sarah Cordiner The Vocational Education and Training [VET] sector has seen a much-needed and dramatic advancement in the monitoring, assessment and governance of the quality of training and assessment since it’s national regulator ‘ASQA’ overhauled the Standards for Registered Training Organisations [RTOs] in 2015….