Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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How to Boost Self-Esteem and Focus on Positivity: Valuing Compliments as Much as We Weigh Criticisms in Business

Imagine if every compliment you received came on a bright, colorful post-it note—how much more uplifted would you feel? Yet, we often focus on the single negative comment instead of celebrating the many positives. 👉 Reflect today: Are you giving the positive feedback in your life the weight it deserves? Here’s how to shift your…

Behind the Business - Day 4: Update Your Email Template, Embed Live Google Sheets into Website Pages, and Putting Your Income on Autopilot -

Behind the Business – Day 4: Update Your Email Template, Embed Live Google Sheets into Website Pages, and Putting Your Income on Autopilot

The Husbeast bought me a ‘Witchcraft’ book for my birthday this week, and I am most disappointed to share that there is no spell in it for: ‘instantly becoming a hot-mum-Victoria-Secrets-model, with a bajillion dollars in the bank’; so off to work we go! Welcome to Behind the Business Day 4, where I share what…

Behind the Business - Day 3: Plan Your Year, Map Your Magic, and Focus on the One Big Thing -

Behind the Business – Day 3: Plan Your Year, Map Your Magic, and Focus on the One Big Thing

3rd December 2024 I’m 35 minutes into delivering an online workshop when a bead of suncream-laden sweat dripped into my eyeball and started eroding my retina….  Thanks to Mercury currently being in the microwave (retrograde), my aircon, like everything else, has decided that it’s broken until December 15th. …So today, I am giving myself an…

How to Land Speaking Gigs and Build Your Authority -

How to Land Speaking Gigs and Build Your Authority

Ready to get in front of your target audience and grow your authority? One of the best ways to do this is by offering to speak at events and workshops—for free at first—and then letting those gigs open doors to paid opportunities. 🎤 👉 Here’s how you can get started: Remember: offering your time and…

How to Build Confidence and Win Corporate Training Contracts -

How to Build Confidence and Win Corporate Training Contracts

How to Build Confidence and Win Corporate Training Contracts If you want to land those high-paying corporate training and consulting contracts, here’s the secret: Confidence—even if you’re absolutely pooping your pants! 👉 Reflect today: Do you truly believe you’re the best person for the job? Here’s how to show up like you’ve got it all…

Did You Know That Professional Speaking is The Highest Paying Hourly Rate Work in The World?

Did You Know That Professional Speaking is The Highest Paying Hourly Rate Work in The World?

Did You Know That Professional Speaking is The Highest Paying Hourly Rate Work in The World? If you are thinking about taking your expertise to the next level and planning on doing some more public speaking – you are about to step in to a world where you ca earn more in an hour than…

The evolution of a 7 figure sales strategy -

The evolution of a 7 figure sales strategy

OMG… let’s have a laugh… This memory just came up from my business 11 YEARS ago, and contains some BIG shows of HOW I got to where I’ve got that you NEED to know… I had only been in Australia for a year, but had already won some massive Corporate contracts doing curriculum design, corporate…

16 Ways To Grow Your Business -

16 Ways To Grow Your Business

🌟Update your website homepage  🌟Film a ‘Who Am I?’ Video:  🌟Develop an Authority IP Framework:  🌟Identify Your Products and Services: 🌟Create an Irresistible Offer: 🌟Map Out Your Customer Journey: 🌟Pre-Sell Your Offerings:  🌟Implement the Profit First System: 🌟Set Your One Big Goal:  🌟Create a 90-Day Action Plan: 🌟Manage Your Tasks:  🌟Hire Virtual Assistants: 🌟Content Marketing:…

Dedication and Automation are Secrets To Success -

Dedication and Automation are Secrets To Success

Step-by-step and automation = big results in your business. You could be saving over 5 hours a day (more than 80% of your work time) by simply turning on some automation, switching on an AI Bot Assistant to manage customer enquiries and calendar bookings for you, and using tech better. If you want massive results…

Will Your Course Even Sell When There Is So Much Free Content Out There? -

Will Your Course Even Sell When There Is So Much Free Content Out There?

Will Your Course Even Sell When There is SO Much Free Content Out There? Here’s why Your Online Course Beats Free Content Every Time Ever find yourself asking, “Why would anyone buy my course when there’s so much free stuff out there?” How about you instead ask yourself ‘If I need to solve a problem…