Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

Subscribe above to join my email community for up to date tips, information and guidance from me on creating online courses, education business development, education leadership, commercialising your expertise and creating and publishing your own profitable education-based products and services.

Dedication and Automation are Secrets To Success -

Dedication and Automation are Secrets To Success

Step-by-step and automation = big results in your business. You could be saving over 5 hours a day (more than 80% of your work time) by simply turning on some automation, switching on an AI Bot Assistant to manage customer enquiries and calendar bookings for you, and using tech better. If you want massive results…

The 10 Stages of Creating A Successful Online Course, Coaching Program or Membership - Sarah

How To Create a Course, Coaching Program or Membership in 10 Simple Steps

The 10 Stages of Creating A Successful Online Course, Coaching Program or Membership **Originally published in November 2016, Last updated February 2024   So you’re thinking about creating an online course, coaching program or membership subscription? Good on you for the generosity of shring your knowledge with the world! In this artilce, qualified Teacher Trainer…

4 Ways To Instantly Reduce The Admin in Your Business -

4 Ways To Instantly Reduce The Admin in Your Business

4 Ways To Instantly Reduce The Admin in Your Business

The Free Marketing Methods I've Used To Make Millions of Dollars in Online Course Sales Over The Past 10

The Free Marketing Methods I’ve Used To Make Millions of Dollars in Online Course Sales Over The Past 10 Years

The Free Marketing Methods I’ve Used To Make Millions of Dollars in Online Course Sales Over The Past 10 Years Ok, I’ve got my big girl pants on to face all of the trolls who get irate about anyone who dearth be abhorrent enough to mention the word ‘money’ on the internet;   …..but for those…

Concept to Course -

Only 5 Days To Go! Are You Joining Us on Concept To Course?

Only 5 Days To Go! Are You Joining Us on Concept To Course? Ready to create an online course, coaching program or membership? My annual ‘Concept To Course’ program (30 day course creation group coaching program) starts in just 7 DAYS, and you are invited to join us. You’ll learn: I’m a qualified Teacher Trainer…

Sarah Cordiner sponsoring the 'Young Business Woman of The Year

Proudly sponsoring the ‘Young Business Woman of The Year Award’ at the Gold Coast Girls in Business Award

TekMatix and I are delighted to be the sponsors of this years ‘Young Business Woman of The Year Award’ at the ‘Gold Coast Girls in Business Awards’ 2024. ❤ Tekmatix is Australia’s most awarded all-in-one business platform, which is your CRM, websites, funnels, forms, course platform, social media scheduler, ai bot, email marketing platform, automation…

Is it better to create lots of smaller courses, or one really big course?

Is it better to create lots of smaller courses, or one really big course?

Is it better to create lots of smaller courses, or one really big course? These are very different types of products, which would be priced at different ends of the market and have different audiences and sales strategies. So there is no ‘better’ kind of course type, as it all comes down to your unique…

You Don't Have To Be Qualified in Your Topic To Create Online

You Don’t Have To Be Qualified in Your Topic To Create Online Courses

You Don’t Have To Be Qualified in Your Topic To Create Online Courses, But Should You Be a Qualified Teacher To Be a ‘Teacher Trainer’? Is this why so many people are falling victim to bad ‘course creation coaches’…..? #coursecreation #coursecreationexpert #edupreneur #coursecoach #teachertrainer #createonlinecourses

How Do You Do Marketing For an Online Course, Coaching Program or Membership?

How Do You Do Marketing For an Online Course, Coaching Program or Membership?

How Do You Do Marketing For an Online Course, Coaching Program or Membership? How do you get people to find you? How do you get leads? How do you get strangers to become students? How do you turn marketing into sales? As a qualified Teacher Trainer and course creation coach of 15 years, one of…

Why You Should NEVER Sell a PDF as an Online Course! -

Why You Should NEVER Sell a PDF as an Online Course!

Sorry guys, but a PDF is NOT a ‘course’. Please don’t ever call a digital document a ‘course’. YES you can absolutely sell digital resources, eGuides, eBooks, workbooks, templates etc – but that is what they are, not courses. ‌ Creating an effective course or coaching program requires more than just putting some info together…