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Where experts become stand-out LEGENDS in their field of expertise.

Commercialise Your Expertise, Become a Leader in your Industry - and make it PROFITABLE!

The highly practical action-oriented business coaching program that helps you become a stand-out expert in your field of knowledge.

In The Legends Lab, you'll master everything from product creation, content creation, tech, marketing, automation and more....


Entrepreneurs, Course Creators, Coaches, Experts, Speakers, Authors, Thought Leaders, Consultants.... Let's build your legacy together

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You've lived your whole life with that silent inner niggling that there is something you should be doing.

Something more, something BIG.

It's been whispering to you forever, making you feel like time is ticking.

You are itching to leap into your calling and make it a reality.

The time to listen to that calling and make it happen - is NOW.

It's time to become a Legend.

The Formula For Success For Ambitious Industry Experts

Success is a System in the legends lab

Whether you are starting from scratch in your business, or are an established expert in your field looking to expand your impact, The Legends Lab is perfect to take your name, your knowledge and your business to a new level.


There is a video below that shows you inside The Legends lab portal so that you can see a sneak peek of the immense value and training you get in each of the 11 Stages of Becoming a Legend....

🌟 Elevate Your Expertise

Take your expertise to legendary status. Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned expert, here you’ll amplify your visibility and accelerate yourself to becoming an industry authority.

💡 Monetise Your Knowledge

Turn your IP into a unique framework, your magic model, and package it up into profitable products and services such as courses, memberships, keynotes, consulting, workshops and books

🚀 Stand Out and Shine

To become a legend in your industry, visibility is key. 

In the Legends Lab, you’ll not only learn how to get noticed in your sector; but how to become unforgettable. Follow the simple but wildly effective strategies to become respected and adored in your field.

🔧 Tame Your Tech

You'll learn how implement tech, tools and ai to accelerate your reach, automate your growth, and scale to global status. Get your own online school up and running, build landing pages, create automations and make tech work for you.


📚 Build Your Legacy

It's not just about success; it's about creating a lasting impact. 

Craft a legacy that resonates and endures.

🤝 A Community of Legends

You're not alone. Join a community of like-minded experts, each on their own path to becoming a legend. Share, collaborate, and grow together.

📈 Always In The Know

The world changes fast, and so do we. At "The Legends Lab," learning never stops. We stay ahead of the curve, ensuring you're always equipped with the latest skills and information to become an expert, educator and leader that gets noticed and makes a difference.

- Your Mentor, Sarah Cordiner


Female Entrepreneur of The Year,  tech-CEO and course creation specialist, Sarah Cordiner teaches you exactly HOW to do what needs to be done to stand out in your field; unlike the unqualified and inexperienced ‘coaches; out there who just give you vague direction on what to add to your to-do list.

Experts (universities, corporates and Governments) come to Sarah Cordiner because she is a Postgraduate qualified Teacher Trainer and education consultant with over 15 years of experience as a qualified teacher, curriculum developer, education leader and highly successful business owner. 

Sarah was formerly the 'Executive Director and Head of Campus' at The University of Notre Dame - the most senior leader of one of the most remote university campuses in the world - a university that was ranked number 1 in Australia at the time of her leadership.

Sarah has successfully taken her personal brand from completely unknown, to being a well-known and sought-after expert leader in her industry using free organic marketing methods, the implementation of systems and basic tech and techniques that anyone can use to package, commercise and distribute their IP on a global scale.

In the Legends Lab, you’ll learn not only WHAT the most successful industry experts have done to grow from scratch as leaders in their field, but also HOW to do it.

With Sarah Cordiner, you are in the hands of a qualified, experienced and caring professional who has done what she teaches, and makes it fun to boot.

A Couple of Sarah Cordiner’s Legendary Brags:

  • Female Entrepreneur of the Year 2023 - Titan
  • Best Female Entrepreneur in Australia, Asia and New Zealand 2023 - Stevies
  • 'Top 50 Must-Follow Female Entrepreneur for 2017' - Huffington Post
  • Postgraduate qualified in Education - PGCE and BA Hons (Ed)
  • CEO of Tekmatix (Ed-tech and SaaS company which accrued a market valuation of $15 million in its first year of operation)
  • Over 15 years running an international education & curriculum design company
  • 16 times published author and 5 times international number 1 best-selling author in the topics of education, training, course creation and building successful education-based business
  • Over 250,000 student enrollments in 181 countries
  • 7-figures made in course sales, speaking gigs and consulting - from zero.
  • From Gypsy heritage and did all of this as a migrant in a foreign country, with no friends, no cash and no family…. Mostly from the remote outback of Australia, whilst having babies and always forgetting bin day.

- The Legends Lab

Here's what you'll learn in

The Legends Lab.....


Framework Your IP: Craft Your Authority Model

Uncover and structure your expertise into a unique and memorable framework.

Create your unique ‘authority model’ by encapsulating your IP and knowledge into a steps or systems framework that makes your content clear, impactful and memorable.

You will do this by getting clear on your message, topic, niche and even looking deeper into your purpose here on earth and what you have been sent here to share with the world.

You’ll also uncover your ‘Brand Identity’ that will shape your entire message, packaging and style.

  • Your Mindset & The Big Shift To Big Business
  • Your Message
  • Your Gift
  • Your Stars
  • Your Topic
  • Your Niche
  • Your Purpose
  • Your Magic Formula
  • Your Model
  • Your Goals
  • Your Brand
  • Your Plan


Profit Alchemy: Design Your Wealth System

Monetize expertise effectively and create a customer journey that maximizes profitability.

Create a commercial plan for your knowledge, what types of products and services you will sell, how much you will sell it all for, and create a highly profitable customer journey.

  • Making money and getting cashflow as quickly as possible in your business
  • How to pre-sell your product or service before it’s even ready
  • Determine what products and services you will sell (courses, coaching, groups, one-one-one, services, retreats, consulting etc)4
  • What your delivery model will be (agency, consultant, influencer etc)
  • Your pricing
  • High ticket vs low ticket offers
  • Create your irresistible offers
  • Create your customer journey
  • Profit First in your business
  • Create a formal B2B or Corporate Training/Consulting Proposal
  • Getting grants and funding


Chaos To Control: Get Organised & Get It Done

Command productivity, power and control over an organised business and life

Set yourself up for success with the right systems, admin, organisation and support for total productivity and focus. 

  • Determine your ‘OBT’ for the next 12 months, with a 1 year and 90 Day Plan
  • Create your master key systems for productivity and success
  • How to organise, manage and prioritise your tasks
  • Go from ‘busy’ to ‘boss’ in your business
  • How to hire virtual assistants and outsource your tasks
  • Access over 70+ done-for-you VA instructions for every day tasks in your business
  • How to manage your calendar and protect your time
  • Using AI and automation in systems creation
  • Legal must-knows, contracts, documents, terms and policies
  • Dealing with difficult clients


Make Your Masterpiece: Turn Your IP & Expertise Into Earnings

Create profitable courses, programs, products and services that captivate, inspire and change people’s lives

  • Create a Lead Magnet
  • Plan your program outline
  • Create a Course or Mini Course
  • Create a Coaching program
  • Create a Challenge
  • Create a Keynote
  • Create a Membership or Subscription Program
  • Create a Bootcamp / Retreat
  • Create a Workshop
  • Create a Webinar
  • Course filming and editing 
  • Filming your ‘sales video’ for your product
  • Write a Book
  • Create a Consult
  • Offer a Service
  • Create stunning worksheets, workbooks and presentation slides
  • How to design your training and memberships for maximum engagement and completion


Victorious Visibility: Get Seen, Get Leads, Make Sales

Stand in the spotlight, build a prolific profile, create magnetising marketing, become omnipresent and stay eternally discoverable

  • Legendary Launches - how to launch your course, product, service or event
  • Claim and consolidate your social media accounts
  • Build an online presence
  • Social Media Marketing & Create Your social media marketing plan
  • Edu-marketing
  • Video Marketing 
  • Building a Succssful YouTube Channel
  • Legendary Livstreaming and how to use livestreaming for accelerated visibility 
  • Vlogging
  • Blogging
  • Podcasting
  • Maximising industry events, Networking Events & Conferencing
  • Get Speaking gigs at industry events
  • Guest Blogging
  • Guest Podcasting
  • Run paid ads
  • Promote your training, workshops, consulting and services to corporate clients and B2B


Master Magnetic Influence: Expand Your Impact & Create Raving Fans

Multiply your reach by turning your contacts into your champions

  • Master influence and likeability
  • Become a magnetising leader and personality
  • Turn your list into a lifelong tribe of buyers with effective email marketing - the content & copy
  • Turn your leads into loyal fans 
  • Create your own communities and groups
  • Generate referrals, testimonials and business with ambassador marketing
  • Profitable partnerships and forming your ‘tag team’
  • Create your own affiliate program
  • Deliver exceptional service


Tech Titans: Turn It Up With Tech & Automate Your Business

Streamline your operations, scale effortlessly and put your business on autopilot

  • Tech Stack: What tech, tools and equipment you need to run a successful business as an expert in your field 
  • Get your own professional domain & business email address
  • Create your own ‘Linktree’ link page for your social bios and business cards
  • Create your own ChatGPT ai bots and set up ai chatbots to answer enquiries and books calls for you
  • Use AI in your business - industry updates, best business use cases and prompts
  • Create your own online calendar and automated booking system so customers can book free and paid calls with you
  • Launch your own professional online school, community and student app
  • Create a simple checkout for your courses, products and services
  • Automated workflows
  • Build your own website
  • Create high-converting sales pages
  • Create sales funnels with opt-ins and upsells
  • Task and project management automation
  • Email automation
  • Automating your student retention and completion for greater customer success
  • Cold outreach and automated sales techniques


Dominate Your Domain: Build Celebrity Status in Your Sector

Attain industry recognition, win top industry awards, and claim your celebrity authority status in your market

  • How to win big industry awards
  • How to get PR 
  • How to get interviewed by the media
  • Speak Yourself Rich - How to become a highly paid professional speaker
  • Stand out as an event sponsor
  • Traditional book publishing 
  • Celebrity and influencer partnering
  • Become a number 1 best-selling author


Leave Your Legacy: Your Blueprint To Timeless Impact

Make your work and life matter and leave a lasting positive impact far beyond yourself

  • Determine your legacy
  • Leading an industry
  • Wealth creation
  • Philanthropy and giving back
  • Build your team
  • Make yourself redundant
  • Map your magic - long term planning and goal setting
  • Succession planning 
  • Exiting your business


Pivot & Prosper: Recalibrate, Renew & Adjust Your Course

Maintain your relevance, momentum and trajectory for long term evolution and success

  • Regular things you must review and update at least annually 
  • Recalibration and Evolution
  • Adjusting your course
  • Evaluation & Analysis
  • Knowing Your numbers
  • Re-writing your story
  • Changing plans
  • Re-writing your plan


Confidence Catalyst: Reignite Your Inner Fire 

Activate your inner confidence, overcome set-backs and activate unwavering resilience to become unstoppable, unbeatable and unbelievably legendary

  • Confidence & courage
  • Unapologetic authenticity 
  • Reigniting your mojo
  • Balancing success and serenity
  • Accurate reflection and realistic assessment of your progress
  • Dealing with imposter syndrome
  • Dealing with overwhelm and anxiety
  • The fear of failure and the feeling of failure
  • Dealing with setbacks and rejection
  • Resurrection after loss or failure
  • Getting trolled, shamed or hate-campaigned 
  • Habits for success
  • Keeping it all together: love, family, friends and self, with a thriving empire
  • Meditations

In The Legends Lab, you are going to:

Turn your knowledge and IP into a unique IP framework 

Create and launch online courses, challenges and memberships

Create and launch coaching programs, retreats and bootcamps

Create a membership subscription for recurring income

Write & publish print books and eBooks on Amazon to fulfil your dream of becoming a published and respected Author

Set-up and manage your own popular & successful website, that has traffic pouring to it every month

Create highly profitable marketing funnels to get leads and make sales

Create beautiful and high converting sales pages that dramatically increase your conversions

Create opt-in forms to collect your prospects contact details and grow your email list

Increase your followers, likes, fans, connections and subscribers

Set-up email automations, nurture sequences and upsell sequences to put your business on auto-pilot - giving you income and time-freedom simultaneously 

Implement numerous organic marketing strategies to bring you in a stream of never-ending traffic for free, for life

Create multiple income streams for a profitable, low risk and sustainable bottom line (ka-ching)

Set-up and publish paid ads and paid marketing to create an avalanche of leads

Establish an industry and online presence that lends credibility and likeability to your reputation

Become well known, popular and highly paid in your field of expertise

Fall in love with your business again, and reactivate unstoppable motivation, ambition and passion

Move into a feeling of joyful 'flow' in your business, instead of feeling like you're fighting it all of the time

The Legends Lab will take you through the 'Success Journey' of turning your experience, expertise and knowledge into a thriving business, whilst making positioning you as a leader in your industry.

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FAST TRACK Your Way To Becoming a Respected Expert

No more STRUGGLES. no more pulling your hair out with tech. no more wasting time.

There is nothing worse than regret.

And for many business owners who finally 'make it', the number 1 regret they have is "I wish I'd just started sooner".  This is most certainly true for me.  There were no proper online business programs when I started out, so I blundered about figuring out everything the long and hard way - taking ten times longer to do everything than it could have.

If there had been a fast-track process that I could have followed to turn what took me 14 years to get to, I would have handed over hundreds of thousands of dollars (because that's what it would have saved me in lost time, effort and income).


Start your journey to online business success today.

  • Start getting paid for your knowledge and expertise.
  • Start feeling confident with tech.
  • Get absolute clarity on your business operations.
  • Get everything up and running like clockwork - on auto-pilot.
  • Experience your students, customers and clients telling you 'You've changed my life!" on a daily basis.
  • Feel confident, courageous and in control when it comes to your business.
  • Get back your motivation, ambition, excitement, energy and passion for your business again.
  • Feel THE OVERWHELMING pride when you whisper to yourself "I DID IT!"

Being in business can be tough.  There is SO much to learn, SO much to do, SO little time - and sadly, SO many useless, waffly training programs out there that promise the world but end up leaving you feeling ripped off, even more confused (questioning whether you're 'dumb') and like you've royally had your time wasted.

But you still have to figure it all out and get stuff done if you want to succeed - right?

You CAN build the online business you are dreaming of - even if nobody around you really 'gets' it.

Because this is a community of people who TOTALLY get you; AND who are walking the Success Path with you too.

The Legends Lab is a highly supportive community of like-minded, big-hearted and ambitious entrepreneurs, all on the same journey to turn their expertise into a profitable and impactful online business, that helps others, makes them seen in their industry, and fulfills their deep, inner calling.

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Yes! I am ready to join a community of highly motivated and ambitious experts, and become a leading authority in my field...


Legends Lab member! You get all of the tools, training, community, short-cuts, confidence, motivation, accountability and support to build a successful business around your expertise, and stand out as a leader in your industry.

You can choose to join this coaching membership at two levels, detailed below.


The 'Sage' is the STANDARD member's plan

Here's what the Sage's get:

  • Personalised AI-Powered ‘Success Checklist’ and Training Journey - Take our Legendary Business assessment anytime you want, to generate a unique and personalised checklist of next-step tasks and training based on your personal stage of business to keep you on track and focussed every single day. (New for 2024) (Value: $1,997)


  • 2 x Monthly ‘Sessions With Sarah’ - 2 x monthly Q&A sessions direct with Sarah Cordiner on Zoom to ask anything about your business, products, programs, marketing, tech and more. (New for 2024) (Value: $700)


  • 1 x Monthly LIVE group Workshop every month, focussing on one area of the 'Legends Lab Levels' to keep everyone moving forward with accountability and speed (Value: $500)


  • 'Video Vault' of ALL past Mastermind recordings, on-demand access to over 100+ highly practical workshops, challenges, courses, webinars and micro-training to help you at every stage of your business, whenever you need it (Value: $25,000+)


  • Secret Legends Lab Community - You’ll have exclusive access to the secret Facebook group that only includes active members of The Legends Lab, to make friends, network and ask for advice. (New for 2024) (Value: Priceless)


  • Weekly ‘Sage’s Secret’ - You’ll receive a weekly mini tip by SMS or email that will keep you focussed on progressing on your journey of becoming a legend. It’s like having a mentor in your pocket. (New for 2024) (Value: $500)


  • 10% Member’s Discount  - You’ll get a 10% discount coupon to use on ALL of Sarah’s other online events, in-person events, Course Creation Bootcamps, Legends Lab Annual Conference, Legends Lab Summit, one-on-one coaching with Sarah and Sarah’s done for you services.


TOTAL VALUE OF SAGE:  $25,997+ monthly (but you won't pay that!)


The 'Oracle' is the VIP member's plan

Here;s what the Oracle VIPs get:

  • EVERYTHING from the 'Sage' plan.... PLUS all of the following as well....


  • Concept To CourseSarah Cordiner’s internationally acclaimed 30-day course creation program. You’ll get this on-demand AND get to join the once-only per year group coaching round too (March).  (Value: $750+)


  • Chaos To Control Get full access to this package of 70+ completely ‘done for you’ tasks and instructions templates AND training videos for you or your VAs to use to start running your everyday business operations for you. This is your systems and staff training,done for you and is based on all of the instructions and systems that Sarah’s own team use to help her business run every day. (Value: $3,050)


  • The Legends Lab Online SummitFree VIP ticket to the Legends Lab Annual Online Summit where you will get access to Sarah Cordiner & other leading experts delivering live training in a range of topics that help accelerate you into becoming a legendary leading authority in your industry.  (Value: $500)


  • The Legends Lab Conference1 x free standard ticket to Sarah Cordiner’s ‘Legends Lab Conference’.  In-person 2-day business education event, where Legends come together from all over the world at a venue on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. You will leave with critical work DONE on your business, as well as friendships made.  Sarah Cordiner will be delivering immersive, ‘get it done’ training that will transform your business. This ticket can be used to attend in person, or via the livestream feed. (Value: $497)


  • 25% Member’s Discount - You’ll get a 25% discount coupon to use on ALL of Sarah’s other online events, in-person events, Course Creation Bootcamps, Legends Lab Annual Conference, Legends Lab Summit, one-on-one coaching with Sarah and Sarah’s done for you services.


TOTAL VALUE OF VIP:  $30,750+ monthly (but you won't pay that!)



Established in 2015 (formally the Edupreneur Academy), this Is THE First and BEST Exclusive Community for Experts, Course Creators, Information & Knowledge-Based Businesses, Coaches, Consultants, Speakers, Authors, Education Professionals And Anybody Who Wants To Commercialise Their Expertise Whilst Standing Out in Their Field & Leaving a Legacy

On-demand online training, mini-courses, eBooks, challenges and LIVE coaching calls to help you:

Create online courses & memberships
Create face to face training workshops and retreats
Build a successful education or information-based business
Set up successful online marketing
Implement growth strategies to grow your following and global audience
Sell more online courses and information-based products and services
Become a well-known authority and industry leader in your field of expertise
Write and publish your own books and eBooks
Master automation, technology and productivity hacks
....and much more!

Frequently Asked Questions

The Legends Lab is for anyone who wants to stand out as an expert in their field, with their own courses, products, books, programs, membership, speaking gigs, workshops and a highly scalable business model. 

Whether you are brand new to business and are just getting started even figuring out your topic and direction, OR are an established industry expert looking to scale, The Legends Lab is perfect for you. 

You have access to a quiz that will ask you simple questions about what you have in place in your business, and you will get a personalised checklist detailing what your unique steps are next, and which training to head to for each one; making your journey in The Lab highly personalised to you no matter where you are in business.

Anytime!  This is an open, ongoing coaching membership where you get to take your personalised assessment at anytime to identify where YOU are uniquely at in YOUR business journey right now. That guides you on the tasks and to the subsequent training you personally need to undertake to reach your goals.  Then you have your 2 x monthly group ‘Sessions with Sarah’ to ask any questions about your personal situation, as well as the monthly live workshop with Sarah and the secret Facebook group for ongoing questions and support.  Whether you are brand new to business, or a well established industry leader, The Legends Lab is designed to take you to your next level and beyond.

There are two member plans for joining The Legends Lab, and you can choose to pay in USD or AUD.

Sage Plan (Standard): $197 AUD monthly /or/ $130 USD monthly 

Orale Plan (VIP): $497 AUD monthly /or/ $330 USD monthly

When you sign up to your chosen plan, you will get immediate access to all training included in that membership from the first payment.

Unless you cancel your subscription, you will then be automatically charged at the plan rate your selected per month (30 days after the day that you started your subscription. Your nominated payment method will be automatically deducted from every 30 days.

You can cancel your subscription at any time by emailing us on sarah@sarahcordiner.com.  As soon as you cancel, you immediately cease to have access to all of your training.

**Note on historic pricing changes: The Legends Lab replaces the ‘Edupreneur Academy’.  

From January 2015 - 1st January 2022, the Edupreneur Academy was $47 USD per month.  

From 1st January 2022 - 31st December 2023 -  the price of the Edupreneur Academy increased to $79 USD per month for newly joining members to reflect a major increase in content. Existing members were upgraded/grandfathered in and only new members had to pay the increased price.

From 1st January 2024 - the two-tier pricing structure comes into effect including a price increase due to increased access to Sarah and a new delivery format and content and an entire replacement of the Edupreneur Academy to ‘The Legends Lab’. 

Anyone who is already a member BEFORE midnight on 31st December 2023 will be grandfathered/upgarded to the new Legends Lab program, but will STAY on the $79 USD monthly pricing from the Edupreneur Academy until they cancel their plan. Anyone who is joining new, or restarting previously cancelled/lapsed membership from 1st January 2024 will be required to start on the new Legends Lab pricing.  

*There may still be marketing publicly available that was published BEFORE these price changes occurred.  Despite doing our best to remove all public references to our old pricing, some references to the old pricing may still be found.  However, as The Legends Lab is a new product that replaces the Edupreneur Academy, and is entirely different in delivery format, the new pricing is enforceable from 1st January 2024.

Not if you stay a member, no.

There will be price increases for NEW members as the program changes, updates and continuously evolves to bring you up-to-date industry trends.

However, when you join The Legends Lab, you lock in your monthly membership rate for LIFE, provided that you never cancel.  If you keep your membership, you keep your price - even if the price goes up for new members.  However, if you cancel your membership, or it lapses/fails a payment, you will loose your ‘grandfather pricing’ rights and will be required to re-join at whatever the public rate is at that time.

Yes. You can upgrade and downgrade between the two plans at any time you like, as often as you like.  Just email me on sarah@sarahcordiner.com and we will get you switched as quickly as possible.

Yes. You can cancel your membership at ANY time by emailing me on sarah@sarahcordiner.com and your membership will be cancelled within 1-3 working days. There are no minimum membership periods. You can re-join at any time. Note that this is a membership, and just like a gym membership, there are no refunds.

As soon as you sign up, you will be sent your log in details to The Legends Lab portal (this usually takes a couple of minutes max). This gives you full access to the portal of training, the quiz, the live call recordings and a calendar of all of the events and links.  You also have a mobile app that allows you to watch Sarah’s training on your mobile device. 

You will need to log in with your own log-in details each time you access your training, using 2-factor-authentication. It is recommended that you save the Legends Lab web page (which has the log in button on it) to your favourites so that it is easy to find next time.  You will also be sent a welcome email with the link to your member's area for your reference.

You get immediate upfront access to all content included in your selected membership level in full. There is no drip-releasing of content around here! Get stuck in! However, also note that some training is delivered live and will not be available until the live training day itself. All calls are recorded for your viewing after if you cannot attend live. 

No. You can purchase most of my online courses, coaching programs and special packages individually for a one-off fee.

Simply go to my 'ALL COURSES' page, click on the course images and you can purchase singular courses individually.  

Note, if you purchase courses individually, you get lifetime access to the course. If you join the membership, you only have access for as long as you are a member.

It is included in the ORACLE VIP plan, yes.

But it it NOT included in the Sage plan.

Concept To Course is a group coaching program that I only run ONCE a year due to the extremely high level of personal support I give to the participants.

All Oracle members get this coaching program included in their plan. 

More info about C2C here: www.sarahcordiner.com/c2c  

Yes. All members will have new courses and content automatically added to their member dashboard as per their membership level at no extra cost to their monthly subscription.  New courses are not released monthly however.

Still got questions?

Feel free to email Sarah directly on sarah@sarahcordiner.com,

or via the CONTACT FORM with your questions,

or via the Facebook chat box on the bottom right of this screen,

or ask them in the Facebook group 'Entrepreneur to Edupreneur'.